Sunday, March 1, 2020

Am I in the game?

I’m so thankful for the life lessons I learn from my sweet kiddos every day.......As I watched Bella play her first soccer game of the season yesterday...I was reminded that you don’t have to be the fastest, most aggressive, or even the girl that’s played the most years.....But, if you are willing to get in the game, hustle, listen to your coach and go for the goal as often as you can, you are more likely to make a goal...or even two. :)

So what is it that God has called me to?? Or you to?? What is it that seems far to difficult for you to do? Or maybe it seems so foreign and you feel more than unqualified.  There have been many times in my life when God has called me to step out in faith and try something new....I remember when He began stirring in my heart to homeschool. To be honest, most all the homeschool kids I knew growing up were weirdos and just way out there. Lol But as I began to sense God calling us down what seemed a different path than most, He began also placing amazing women and families in our path who had paved the way.  Families we loved, respected and looked up to.....God began showing me that with His help, He would guide me one day and often hour but hour. Looking back I see His hand throughout the decision as we embarked on what seemed a foreign unpredictable journey and it become the biggest blessing to our family. Because God led me to homeschool Bella, it set us on a path where we were able to have a flexible school schedule and travel to be with my mom 7 hours away in her final 3 years of life. I had no idea in the beginning that was one of the reasons God was pricking my heart but that was the first confirmation of how His plan and timing is always perfect. 

I’m reminded of my life long favorite verse, Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 

Where is God leading me next? Where is God calling you to take a step of faith? I can assure you that He always equips those He calls. Whether it’s in my homeschooling journey, motherhood, marriage, or even growing a business.  He has always been faithful to send “coaches” my way to guide and direct me and mentor me. So I’ve been reminded this week to get in the game He’s called me to, hustle, listen to His voice and the mentors around me, trust His timing and plan and anticipate all He has in store ahead. He desires to bless His children when we are diligently faithful to His calling! 

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