Thursday, May 24, 2012

Welcome to our Family Baby Jackson!

Thank you "Mamma Lloyd"/"She-She" for capturing these precious moments for us!  What a sweet day it was bringing baby Jackson home...

Jackson's Birth Story

On May 7, we welcomed sweet baby Jackson into our family!  Our day began at 4:30am early Monday morning.  My doctor decided based on my miscarriage/blood clotting history to induce me at 39 weeks unless little Jackson decided to come early.  Sunday night Jeremy's mom along with my parents, Linz and Sadie all arrived at our house.  It was nearly impossible to get a good night's rest due to all the excitement and anticipation of our new little one!  I woke up at 4:30 and made myself a good breakfast (since I knew it would be a "liquid diet" until his arrival).  Then, Jeremy and I loaded up in the car and headed to the hospital.  On the way, I was having a few contractions on and off...but nothing to uncomfortable.  We checked in and got all set-up in our room.  They started me on pitocin at 8:30am.  I was prepared for just a little to kick things into high gear since that is all it took for Bella!  With her delivery, they gave me a level "2" for a couple hours and then my body took over and they were able to turn it off!  Well, every 30 minutes or so they were cranking the pitocin up!  I was sure things would start going crazy and out of control at any moment...but nothing exciting was happening!  I had a phenomenal nurse...I had prayed long and hard that the Lord would allow me to have just the right nurse for me.  I love Baptist Hospital because they make it a priority to allow each woman to have their delivery as close to how they prefer!  But, that doesn't necessarily mean that every nurse has a lot of experience in natural deliveries...which was my preference again with this baby.  Well, my nurse was a definite answer to prayer!  She had been a doula for 23 years and a delivery nurse for 10 years!  She was awesome in every way...very confident...lots of experience but also very patient and encouraging! she kept continuing to up the pictocin...I walked the halls...and walked the halls and walked the halls.  But, nothing was happening!  Around 3:30, I was at 4cm...90% effaced and station 0.  (When I checked in to the hospital, I was 3cm...90% effaced and station 0.)  The issue was that my cervix was posterior (pointed back rather than anterior - pointed foward/down.)  SO...even though I was walking and getting the pitocin...there was not enough pressure directly on my cervix to allow for dilation!  I won't include the graphic details...but she asked me if I was willing to endure some "discomfort" in order to try and get things going.  OF course!  At this point I was getting hungry and tired and just ready to get Jackson here!  So, she did a maneuver during a few contractions to try and manipulate my cervix"discomfort" doesn't come near to describing it! Ha!  After that...Jeremy and I said a prayer together that the Lord would allow things to begin progressing.  I decided to keep walking.  As I stepped into the hallway, my doctor called my name and met me.  Tears welled up in my eyes...I told her that I know she probably didn't have many patients who cried because of NO pain...but that is why I was crying!  I was discouraged and frustrated and just ready to have this baby!  She checked me and my cervix had moved!  AND I was 100% dilated!  SO at 3:30...she broke my water and the "fun" began!  Let me add that my pitocin was now at level 22...crazy high!  Within minutes, the contractions came...and they came HARD and FAST!  For the first hour, I focused on breathing, relaxing in between contractions and praying hard during contractions!  At one point my nurse said, " got your own system down and it works fro you!  What are you doing during these contractions when you close your eyes?"  I told her..."I watch the clock...pray...pray...pray hard for strength...then open my eyes and hope that a minute has passed!"  That system worked for the first hour.  Then, for the second hour I was in the bed rotating positions.  That nurse had my body in the craziest positions trying to help Jackson descend.  I told her I had to deliver this baby before she left at she told me that if I wanted her help til the end I had to let her move me around even if I thought I would die! HA!  Well, move she did!  During this next hour of labor...I continued to focus on the breathing and when things seemed to be unbearable I would squeeze Jeremy's hand and pray, pray, pray!  My nurse along with Jeremy helped me to maintain control over my breathing!  At one point, my mom walked to the door just to check on things and she said she heard three people breathing out that is team work!  There is nothing sweeter nor more motivating that being in severe pain of labor and looking into your husband's eyes as you squeeze his hand...he just kept saying, "you're doing great can do this...almost there!"  Within 2 hours I had gone from 4cm to 10 cm!  I started pushing at 5:30pm.  Now, pushing is one of the best reasons for going all natural...because you can feel it!  And, your body pretty much just takes over!  So...once my body got in the rhythm of pushing during pretty much just did it!  That's not to say it isn't painful or completely exhausting in every way...cause oh it is...BUT your body just knows what to do!  At 6:01, I gave my last push...and out came precious Jackson!  They immediately put him on my chest...and what a precious moment that was...words can't even describe.  

He weighed in at 7lb. 9oz...19.5 inches...13.25'head...healthy in every way!

Our family was outside the door...we had about an hour to love on sweet Jackson and I nursed him...which he LOVED! ;)  Then, they brought sweet Bella in to meet her brother!


My doctor with Jackson...

 Cleaned up in the nursery...

Snuggling with  my baby...

She-She with Jackson...

 Pappa loving on his long awaited and prayed for "boy"...


Mimi admiring baby Jackson...
 Auntie Linz...

Cute little brother!

Big Sis and Lil Bro...


Dressed and ready to go home (Jackson wore the same outfit Jeremy did when he went home from the hospital)...

Loaded up and ready to go!

Welcome Home Baby Jackson!  We love you!!!

Cousin Sadie was sooo excited to meet baby cousin Jackson...

And that is the sweet, sweet story of how baby Jackson Samuel Lloyd came into the world! :)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Family Beach Day...

Today we planned a fun family day for our soon to be growing family of three! This was our last full day together...just us three free of obligations and commitments. We started out our day snuggling together in bed til around eight. Then, we enjoyed breakfast together and packed the car for the beach! We headed out and arrived on the beach around 10...but it started to pour! So, we drove around and just enjoyed being together until the rain lightened up and the skies opened up! Around eleven, we ventured out to find a spot near the water! Here are some pictures from our day...

I was a good mommy and lathered Bella in 45 SPF...and she just got DARKER!  Jer and I didn't realize how much sun we were getting...cause it was so overcast...well...let's just say we got toasty!  Lots of Vitamin D for us that's for sure! =)  

We headed home and all went down for a nice late afternoon nap!  We ended our day with a delicious grilled steak and chicken dinner!  As Bella was getting out of the tub, she said, "Look at my tan lines mommy...oooh, mommy and daddy got burned!  Ouch!"  Well, maybe baby Jackson will hold off a few more days so he doesn't think his mommy and daddy are tomatoes when we first meet!!!

Such a fun family day full of sweet memories!  Life is going to change very quickly for us...and we couldn't be more excited to meet baby brother Jackson...but it sure was special to enjoy this last day together as a family of three!  It's been such a precious 2 years with just little Bella...lots and lots of fun ahead for sure as we are soon to be blessed with Jackson! =)