Saturday, March 31, 2012

Resurrection Eggs

This Easter season, we have enjoyed doing our "Resurrection Eggs." I thought I would post the blog where I found a very easy step-by-step guide to implementing the eggs! I just found all the supplies around the house or in the yard. =) We have all 12 in an Easter basket on our kitchen table and I numbered them 1-12. Inside is the scripture and correlating object that goes along for each day. I figure we will begin this year and Bella will catch on to bits and pieces of the Easter story...but we will hold on to them and use them again year after year! She loves opening the eggs each morning and pulling out the object. I do my best to explain to her the various aspects of the Easter story in "2 year old" language. =)
So...if you don't already have a good resource...use this one below!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Easter Brunch...

Today we enjoyed an Easter brunch/egg hunt with our friends! Here are some pictures from our morning...


The car was more fun than eggs...

Josiah sliding...

Time to enjoy eating together...

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sewing Projects...

Well, you may wonder where I've been the past 10 blogging for me I've been too busy finishing up some sewing projects! For all those who have a toddler, you will understand that if anything productive gets done during the day it's either during nap time OR after bed time. Needless to say...being 33 weeks preggo...I'm exhausted once Bella goes to bed so I am soon to hit the pillow too! Which means that in order to finish up some projects, I had to use my 2 hours of nap time each day! =)

The nursery is not yet complete..but it's getting closer! We have all the necessary "baby items" washed and cleaned and neatly organized in the closet/drawers. The bedding is complete, curtains...and I've even managed to complete a few decorative items!

Here's the comfy, soft changing cover I made out of "minky-dot" fabric...

The little quilt I made with the extra Madras bedding fabric...(the back of the blanket is "minky-dot" and it's stuffed with "quilting padding")...

I used some scraps to sew curtain tie backs (I'm hoping for the navy curtains I registered for...but if not these will work just fine!)...

The crib bumpers (Madras plaid) and crib skirt (navy/white seersucker)...I debated whether or not to make the bumpers full and fluffy like Bella's were or to make them thin. I went with the fluffy style because Bella has so enjoyed using hers as "pillows"...

Appliqued flags with his name on them...

(I should have ironed and pressed these before posting...but you'll get the idea.)
Coordinating first outfits for when Jackson and Isabella first meet each other!!!...

Outfits for day #2...with a coordinating bow of course...

And, before packing up my sewing machine for a little while...we desperately needed some outdoor cushions for our patio chairs. The chairs/table are on on their last life...a bit rusty and old. I cleaned them good with some bleach and water...then sewed these cushions. (All for under $9!) The cheapest cushions I found were $12 a piece! I love when I save money sewing!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"Jesus Loves Me"

Last night, while I was cleaning up the kitchen, Bella began singing "Jesus Loves Me." This was the most I've heard her sing! =) Please excuse the clanging in the background...I dropped a napkin ring...but it didn't seem to phase her! Enjoy =)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

About to POP Shower...

Yesterday, my friends and I threw a baby shower for our friend Jaime! Our theme was "About to POP"...we had so much fun showering baby Polly Harper! We each collaborated and the shower was a fun success!

Food table...


"POP" culture maternity quiz...


Hostesses with mommy-to-be Jaime!

23 months...

Well, this is officially the last blog entry before our baby girl turns 2...and once she's two she's definitely "officially" a toddler! Definitely...bittersweet! Each day is more and more exciting as she continues to absorb everything around her and becomes more and more independent. But, the other night as we were cuddled together on the couch watching newborn videos of her...I did get a little sad thinking about how quickly she has grown up! She kept saying, "more video me!...more video me!" It will bring on a whole new dynamic adding a baby brother to our daily even though I am a bit melancholy thinking about how quickly she is growing is really exciting to imagine what our days will look like in the very near future! =)
Her sweet, innocent, caring, nurturing personality continues to blossom more and more each day. She wakes up loving on her baby dolls and taking such careful care of each one of her stuffed animals. She always makes sure that baby "Lucy" has on a diaper, clothes, hat and is nicely swaddled in her blankie.

She definitely enjoys helping mommy with the chores...when she hears the vacuum...she runs and gets her vacuum and follows me around! Check out this outfit on vacuum day! =)

She loves to pull out all of mommy's shoes and try them on...she'll put on my running shoes and say..."runnin mommy...runnin' mommy" (although mommy is FAR from running these days! Ha!)

Such a good little sleeper...

Showers with daddy are a definite favorite of hers...

She has transitioned smoothly to her big girl room...I never imagined a 23 month old would be so animated and excited over a "big girl bed." She absolutely loves the idea of having a big girl room! Anyone who calls us or comes over...that is the first thing she wants to tell them...with big eyes..."big girl room!" She continues to LOVE music! ("mica") She looks forward to her special dance parties with daddy...which has become a nightly routine...well most nights! And, she will quickly tell you that she wants to dance to "Bella's song"....."Stevie Wonder." Her favorite song being, "Signed Sealed Delivered." And Im not gonna lie...she has some moves for sure! For each nap time and before bed time at night, we always turn on Veggie Tales Worship CD...and she loves it! Once the CD turns off, we will usually hear her in bed humming (while rubbing little "Bobby" the bunny's ears)...and then she dozes off. She also continues to love any type of project...coloring, glueing...and she even tries to convince mamma to let her cut! We need to invest in some child scissors I think for sure! =)
Meal times continue to be a highlight of her day...she pretty much eats anything and I wonder if she really ever gets full! She's an eater that's for sure! She loves her little friends and talks about's the cutest thing. I think we are definitely going to have a very verbal girl...she surprises us every day with new words and most recently songs that she knows! The other day we were visiting with our Flordia Gator fans and Bella pointed out the "Algator" on the random! Then, the other day she pretty much sang every word to "Jesus Loves Me." Last night, she was sitting on the couch with Jeremy looking through her little Bible story book and she could name several of the stories/characters. ( (Joseph, Joseph, brothers mad) ( (Baby Jesus Joseph)...precious =)

Her little schedule is beginning to she doesn't usually require two naps now. Most days, I will lay her down mid-morning to rest - she's much happier with a rest time in the morning. But, then she usually doesn't sleep until the afternoon.

Here's her schedule now...

7ish Wake/Breakfast
9:30 Rest
10:30 Up!
12 Lunch
2 Nap
6 Dinner
8 Bed

Her stats:

Weight 30lbs. 85%
Height 34 inches 65%
Head 19.5 inches 95%

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Free Fun!

Who says you can't have fun for FREE!?? Yesterday my neighbor dropped off a big box for us to have fun with...we decided to make a house! My neighbor cut a door and 2 windows...and suggested that we use crayons to decorate it. BUT, Bella and I decided to use some old fabric from my classroom and decorate the box! So, with a little hot glue...some scissors and 45 minutes...we created a fun, free, play house! Bella loved every minute of creating it...she kept saying..."Mommy, I do it!...Mommy, I do it!" I let her help with everything except for hot gluing and cutting.
Here is our creation! Perfect size for Bella...her bunny Bobby, baby Lucy, bunny, lamb and all her other little toys. =)

Busy playing inside...I think she was doing her "cards" (flashcards) with Baby Lucy... =)

Playing with neighbor Maddy!...even a 17 year old can fit in the awesome house! =)

Days like today are one of the many reasons I am so thankful to be a full-time stay at home wife and mommy. It's funny because in the past few weeks I've had various friends mention to in the world can you afford to stay home? How do you do it? I can honestly say that things aren't always easy...and there are definite financial sacrifices we make daily in order for me to stay home BUT the Lord has been so faithful to provide for us and confirm that this is the plan He has for our family right now... and He continues to show us how to make wise financial decisions...and be good stewards of the money he has given us. I wouldn't trade anything for days like this...making memories together, hanging out with friends, learning manners, reading stories, doing laundry together, baking together...investing in a precious little life so she can also one day influence others for Christ. =)

Big Girl Room =)

This past weekend, Jeremy and I switched around our furniture to create a "big girl room" for Bella and a "nursery" for brother! We decided to keep the queen size bed that was in the guest room and just move it to Bella's room...with all our family out of town we needed to have a queen for when they come visit! Thankfully, it's pretty low to the ground so I think it will work out just perfectly for a growing toddler! After painting brother's room...Jeremy moved all the baby furniture into the guest room. I just loved the fabrics we used for Bella's nursery so I decided to keep the same fabrics and just add a few items to transform it into a "big girl room." I found the comforter at Target...which seems to match just perfectly! I ordered some extra striped fabric and used fabric from her crib skirt to sew a queen size box pleated skirt. Then, I just whipped up some little throw pillows. I was able to keep the curtain and the quilt from her nursery. Everything seemed to come together just perfectly! Decorating on a budget is much easier when you can sew...that's for sure! =) As you can see, these pictures were taken pretty soon after putting it all we still have a few wrinkles on the comforter and skirt...

Bella loves her new room! She has been full of smiles every time she walks in...

The past few nights, she has slept in the crib in the nursery...but she has done so well crawling up on the bed and sliding off that I think we are just going to get her a bed rail this weekend and see how she does transitioning to the big bed in the next few days! I will have to keep you posted! Two big transitions coming before brother...big girl bed and saying good-bye to paci...praying they are easy transitions for my sweet girl!

Here's the video from Monday morning when she woke up to find her new "big girl room." Precious...just precious! Made me feel like we gave her a million dollars! Just click on the link...