Saturday, October 31, 2015

15 months!

This adorable little monkey is 15 months!! He gets sweeter and cuter and more irresistible every day!!  His mellow, funny, tender, layed back personality continues to show itself with each passing day!  He continues to love and adore his big sisters d brother...if he had it his way he would be smack dab in the middle of the yard driving Jacksons jeep around while they play!  (sometimes mommy lets him have his way ;) )  He has discovered climbing and now climbs anything and everything possible!!  He loves clapping for himself...and is the best smoocher!  He gives kisses to anyone who asks by leaning his little head towards you and nuzzling with dreamy eyes!  He has taken his first steps although it is not his preferred choice of transportation.  He says a few words now...mama, daddy, more...mine and we think we've even heard dog! So funny!  He has discovered that sitting in mommys lap listening to a book is fun too!  Loves food and would eat all the time!  He's a charmer with the nursery ladies at church...he continues to be a pure delight to us all and we are so blessed to have him!

Height 30in 15%
Weight 22lb 40%
Head 19.5in 99% :)

Our motto is the bigger the head the cuter!! 

Fall Fun with my very Favorites!!

Here's a glimpse into the memories we have been making this fall...

We've made new friends at our new house...

Jeremy and his brother Jordan surprised She-She on her birthday and drove down to Florida to spend the day with her!

Fall means it's time to pull out the pumpkins and burlap!  

Cool crisp mornings...

Saturday mornings at Football...

Making memories together...

Lever Farms...hay ride...

Farm fun...

Corn pit...

Pumpkin bowling...

Corn maze...

And pumpkin pickin'...

Meanwhile working hard at school :)

Kindergarten pics :)

Proud of this boy and his coloring...

Halloween fun!!! 



And Abu!

Small group party...

Fall Bingo with all the kids while the men watched football :)

Relaxing park days...

My little loves...

Special family dinner...

And Pelican Snoballs!

We are having lots of fun making memories this fall!!  Thankful for the change of breeze, pumpkin bread, apple cider, corn mazes, scarecrows, costumes and family to share it with!