Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Summer Highlights

We started off our summer by finding out we are having a GIRL!! Baby sister Charlotte Mae is coming soon and we are super excited!

Bella & Jack both learned to swim!  We had lots of play dates swimming with friends!



We made a trip to Nashville for a very special prayer weekend with my mom and her dearest friends.


We enjoyed our week Mega Camp at our church! 

We enjoyed being together as a family and even went to our first Fireflies Baseball game!


We had a festive Fourth of July and had fun celebrating with friends!

We went to see "Finding Dory"...Jackson's first time in a real movie theater!

Bella & Jack worked extra hard to make daddy a yummy birthday cake!


We went exploring at The EdVenture Museum...

We celebrated Cow Day at Chick-Fil-A!!!



Mommy' belly grew bigger and bigger and we all enjoyed lots of Popsicles to help stay cool!


Lots of Doctor check-ups...and sweet little people to go with me...

We said good bye to our dear friends the Singletons...but are excited they are less than 2 hours away!


We celebrated our 12th anniversary!

We ended our summer with a relaxing and memorable trip to the beach! 

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Charlotte Mae is coming soon!

Jeremy's mom captured some sweet moments for us while we were in Florida...



And sweet friends have been so gracious as they have celebrated with us as we expect her arrival!




And I've been busy monogramming...because every southern girl needs to wear her monogram...


Just a few more weeks until we get to kiss her sweet face!! 

School Time...

We are off to another great year!! I'm loving having the privilege to homeschool my littles...here's a few pics of our first couple weeks!





Before desks...






Summer Highlights

We started off our summer by finding out we are having a GIRL!! Baby sister Charlotte Mae is coming soon and we are super excited!

Bella & Jack both learned to swim!  We had lots of play dates swimming with friends!



We made a trip to Nashville for a very special prayer weekend with my mom and her dearest friends.


We enjoyed our week Mega Camp at our church! 

We enjoyed being together as a family and even went to our first Fireflies Baseball game!


We had a festive Fourth of July and had fun celebrating with friends!

We went to see "Finding Dory"...Jackson's first time in a real movie theater!

Bella & Jack worked extra hard to make daddy a yummy birthday cake!


We went exploring at The EdVenture Museum...

We celebrated Cow Day at Chick-Fil-A!!!



Mommy' belly grew bigger and bigger and we all enjoyed lots of Popsicles to help stay cool!


Lots of Doctor check-ups...and sweet little people to go with me...

We said good bye to our dear friends the Singletons...but are excited they are less than 2 hours away!


We celebrated our 12th anniversary!


We ended our summer with a relaxing and memorable trip to the beach!