Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Play-date...

One reason that Christmas is so much fun is that it gives us a wonderful opportunity to plan little parties and spend time with our friends! I htought since I've been actually able to function some what normal again (being that I'm now 18 weeks preggo) that it would be fun to have a Christmas play-date with Bella's friends! So we invited everyone over to spend the morning with us!

I made a few simple "toddler" snacks...fruit, reindeer peanut butter sandwiches and cheese cut into Christmas shapes.

We enjoyed reading about baby Jesus, coloring a picture of the nativity and creating glitter angel ornaments!

The nativity sets were definitely a play-date favorite!

Veggie Tales...

Willow Tree...

It's quite challenging to get a decent posed picture of 9 babies all under the age of 3...but I did manage to capture a few action shots. (although the best shot only captured 7 babies!)

We are very thankful for our friends...celebrating baby Jesus' birthday is so much fun! =)

And now it's nap time for this sleepy girl!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas 2012!

During this Christmas season, we have so enjoyed teaching Isabella all about baby Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas! We have little nativity sets, Christmas books and have loved doing various activities together. I've also become really excited about Christmas in the future as she gets a little older and she is able to really understand more and more! I came across my friend from college, Erica Foken's, blog last night and am totally in love with this Advent idea! So, Pensacola friends.......we are TOTALLY doing this together next year and I can't wait! Pretty much we will gather 24 families who want to participate, order our devotional books/kit! Then plan a night where we all come together and have an "ornament swap." Each family is responsible for creating 24 of one type of ornament - thus we leave with 24 different ornaments which correspond to the daily devotionals! We can save the devotionals and ornaments to use every year!

Here is the blog of the family who we can order from...

Here are some pictures I copied from my friend Erica's cute is this! Something meaningful for our family and fun to do with a group of friends! I love the idea of us all "helping" each other create such memorable December days with our families! =)

Friday, December 9, 2011

20 months!

Only 4 more months til we have a 2 year old! I feel like a 2 year old means "I'm officially a toddler." And, honestly...that makes this mamma a little teary! I wish I could just keep her this age forever - it's just soo soo much fun! Until we have our next little one in May...little Miss Bella will be my baby! I think the Lord allowed her to be bald an extra few months so I could savor every little bit of her "baby" that she has left! =)
But, no matter how hard I try to deny it....she is becoming quite the sweet - tender hearted little toddler more and more every day! I joke with Jeremy that from the moment she wakes up until she dozes off to sleep.....she talks non-stop! I think she feels her job is to tell us every single word she knows each day and I love it! She has started putting 2 and 3 words together. For example, "clean-up"..."all done"..."i yuv you"..."night - night"..."hey dadda"..."oh boy"..."ready - set - go!" and so on! She is so good at her abc's too! She pretty much says them with us and most of the time says the letter that follows. For example if we say, "A"...she'll say, "B" and so on!
I've begun using an online resource I found for curriculum...( It's my favorite that I've come across so far! It integrates a theme each week, scripture, Bible story, and academics (colors, shapes, numbers, motor skills etc.). For now, I just print off each weeks plans and the resources I want to use.
This week we talked about Jesus and the nativity! One of the academic objectives was counting 1-5. Here is Isabella practicing! =)

I look forward to being able to do more and more with her! The teacher in me just goes crazy at the thought of really teaching her letters, numbers, colors and all as we integrate them into various themes for various seasons and months! We are even planning a little Christmas play-date next week with some of our friends to read some books together and do a little Christmas activity! I will definitely try and post some pics!

Here's her typical schedule these days...

7 Wake (she will even play for a while if mamma is moving slow and having a rough morning)
9:30 Nap (transitioning to just a rest-time most days)
11 Wake/Lunch/playdate/errands/"school"
2 Nap
6 Dinner
8 Bath/Bed

Her stats:
Head 19.5 inches 95%
Weight 28.5 lbs. 85%
Height 33 inches 70%

'Tis the Season...

Last weekend, we transformed our house from "Turkey" decorations to "Christmas" decorations! I just love, love, love this time of year......cooler weather, twinkling lights, spending time with family.......
We decided to get a head start while Isabella was down for her morning nap...and when she woke up...she was beyond excited! She carefully tip-toed around the corner...

And the expression on her face says it all! (The tree wasn't even decorated yet....just a bare tree!)

Then, we showed her the nativity scene and of course, she went straight to baby Jesus and gave him a kiss. =)

Isabella had the privilege of helping dadda put the star on the tree!

On Sunday we wore our first "Christmas" outfit....loving every minute of it! We did a quick little photo shoot in front of the tree before heading out the door! (And might I mention that we made it to Sunday School, Worship and lunch with friends! The best Sunday I've had in a long while...Merry Christmas to me...I think my morning sickness aka "all day sickness" is slowly...slowly fading away!)

We snapped a quick picture of Isabella and her friend Charleigh in their Christmas attire....they were full of giggles and smiles until all eyes were on them with a camera! =)

This week we've ventured out to see Christmas lights two nights! Isabella LOVES the "lights".....she constantly is saying..."wow!...oh boy!...lights!...more!" And when there are...should I say "unfestive houses"...she begins to cry and call for "lights"!

We are enjoying sharing the true meaning of Christmas with Isabella this's so fun because she recognizes and can name all the characters of our nativity sets! We have been doing fun little activities together as we learn all about baby Jesus! The highlight of her week was getting to hold the baby Jesus doll from the manger in the big nativity scene at church! I wish I had my camera with me to capture that sweet awe on her little face! =)
Through all the christmas card writing, baking, parties, concerts, lights, decorations, traveling and Christmas outfits......I pray that as a family we can continue to put Christ first and not allow ourselves to get so busy that we forget to make time to reflect on the true reason for the season.