Thursday, September 26, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday Huey :)

My sisters in laws live just an hour away in Greenville...they threw Houston a birthday party and we were able to join in the celebration!

Cousin love...

Sweet cousins...

Boo loves her Auntie!

And I love my favorite nephew :)

I'm not sure who had more fun...Bella or Houston...

Happy Birthday sweet boy!!  We love you so much and are thankful that you joined this one happy yet crazy family!!!

Favorite Fall Things...

My wreath I made with pretty fall flowers...

My Tennessee Cheerleader...

My Tennessee Football player...

Welcome Fall!!  And Go Big Orange!!!

ALL Boy!

Every day it is becoming more and more evident that my boy is ALL boy!!  He gravitates towards balls and the other day we made a quick stop at CVS.  As we walked down the toy aisle, the first thing Jackson ran to was this box of crocodiles!!!

Then, he tried to get the basketball out of the box...

Then, one quick stop to race cars!

All the while, Bella was admiring the dolls...I love the unique differences and interests of my princess girl and my rough and tumble boy! :)

Princess Teeth

Bella's first trip to the dentist was a success!!  She was so excited to get her teeth shiny and sparkly like a princess! :)

She was such a big girl as they counted and cleaned her princess teeth!  No cavities for this sweet girl!  I was so proud of her for having such courage!  Lots of memories were made!

Welcome Fall!

Pumpkins, scarecrows, apple picking, cool fall days, football, colorful leaves and hooded sweatshirts......we are ready!!  We are looking forward to experiencing our first Fall in the Carolinas!  We welcome you with open arms!  Happy First Day of Fall!

Progress with our Nook...

I've been slowly working on sprucing up our little kitchen nook.  This little corner of our home is where we share our meals together as well as where Bella & I do "school".  So, we spend a lot of time in this little nook!  A while back, I shifted some furniture to create a learning center...but the bare walls need a facelift for sure!  So, after a Pinterest search I found a great idea for our big bare wall...a gallery wall!  It was super easy and budget friendly too!  I headed to Hobby Lobby to purchase these wooden plaques.  I painted them and sanded a few edges to give it that "unfinished" look.  Then, I used spray adhesive to attach the pics and modge podged on top to seal the pictures!  I am so pleased with how they turned out and I look forward to adding more to our wall every few months!

The nook...

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Summer Soccer Nights...

Just enjoying these warm summer nights!  Beautiful sunsets, chasing the soccer ball as a on daddy's shoulders and Bella's curls bouncing...very blessed & very thankful for simple nights like tonight...