Thursday, July 29, 2010

Off to see the mountains......(weeks 15, 16 & 17)....

Isabella has definitely been able to experience so many fun little trips this summer! We just returned from a family vacation in the mountains of North Carolina! It was so nice to be in the cooler temperatures.....and have a break from all the Florida humidity! We loved spending time with my parents, sisters and their husbands! Some of our close family friends own a golf course and we had the opportunity to stay in a nice house on the golf course together all week! The guys played golf pretty much every day all day! Us girls enjoyed relaxing by the pool and just catching up on life! Isabella did super well traveling. It took us about 9 hours to get up there and she did fabulous! When she started to get bored, I would hop in the back seat and try my best to entertain her....we read books, played with her favorite mirror etc. It was so nice to just get away and spend time with each other apart from our busy schedule at home! Uninterrupted family time is the best! =) I cherish the time that the three of us have together.....and I look forward to the fun vacations in the future!

Laying out by the pool has forever changed now! For the most part, Isabella was in her stroller parked in the shade where she enjoyed napping. But, when she woke up.......she LOVED doing tummy time on my tummy! =) You know....I may not have the best tan - but we sure had lots of fun together at the pool!

My cousin Jason and his wife, Jessica, along with my Aunt Beth drove down from Winston-Salem to hang out with us one day! We had the best time.......and it was so much fun to introduce them to little Isabella! =) Jason has always been like our big brother and we've been like his little sisters. Just wish we lived closer so we could see each other more often.....

My mom, "Mimi", enjoyed spoiling little Isabella.......I mean what else is a Mimi for....lots of lovin' and tlc - right!? =)

Linz is the best ever........her favorite thing to do is to change Bella boo's diapers and rock her to sleep - even when she's fussy!!! Linz sweeps her out of my arms and insists on having good quality time with Bella boo! =) Now isn't that such a good Auntie......
They had lots of sweet time together rocking on the porch!

Of course our "Boyd family vacation" would not be the same without some sort of athletic competition! John found a triathlon in Asheville.....I mean what are the chances of a triathlon taking place the one Saturday our family is on vacation!? So, my dad and John took advantage of the opportunity to compete on vacation and they did awesome! We all enjoyed cheering them on.......even little Isabella in her Nike onesie!

So, if they weren't asleep - then they were out on the golf course! I never knew they were capable of playing so many holes of golf in one week! I mean we literally had to go track them down on the golf course for dinner! One night, Linz called Dad's cell phone at 6:30 to tell them to come home and eat........and a random man answered the phone!??? Haha....they had left their phones and clubs to go try and hit balls over a random creek! Go figure! =) So, I volunteered to go walk the course and tell them dinner was waiting!
They stopped by our house one afternoon to get PB & J's and sugar from Bella!

Auntie Brit sure gave Isabella lots of sugar!!! Brit is the best too.......she changes lots of diapers, rocks her.....cuddles with her.......and holds her by the pool so I can relax! =)

I know one thing Bella boo likes best about her Uncle Matt......his big right arm! Uncle Matt loved taking Isabella on walks around the yard and she would just recline back.....doze off a bit....she sure loves her Uncle Matt!

"Lazy summer days.......they are the best! Gee, I have some long toes!"......says Isabella. =)

So, Isabella loves to be without clothes! I mean she loves baths and loves to just be a free woman......and her Auntie Brit let's her do it whenever she wants! =) You can tell by Isabella's expression how much she loves her Auntie....seems like she's saying, "Oh, thank you for letting me just wear my diaper....I really would rather not wear all those frilly clothes and big bows." =)

Nice dinner in the mountains....

So, she is drooling lots now and chewing on her paci (not sucking)..........when I was at the dentist yesterday she confirmed that Isabella very well might be cutting a tooth!??? AH! Not yet.....not yet! =)

When we were driving home...Jeremy thought he would give Isabella a chance to stretch her legs out and be free from the car seat for a few minutes! Looks like she's ready to walk a bit....

Isabella continues to be our little doll baby! Overall, she is a very layed back, content little girl! She definitely lets us know when she's hungry, tired or has a dirty diaper - but other than that she usually just goes along with her day happy and satisfied!
I'm just loving every bit of motherhood these days.......seems like she has just come out of her little shell all of a sudden and has her own sweet little personality. From what I can see so far - it seems like she is going to be a very tender, sweet, sensitive little girl.
She loves to listen to me read to her.....loves to play on her play mat.....loves to swing.....and she will pretty much let anyone hold her these days!
Sometimes, I will just be holding her in my arms or playing with her on her play mat....and when she looks at me with those big eyes and cute little cheeks I get tears in my eyes.....tears of joy...tears of gratitude....tears of thankfulness to my Jesus who created her so perfectly.
I was just telling Jeremy the other day that there are a lot of things in my life that have brought me joy.......running a marathon, teaching school, winning medals, spending holidays with family, going on vacations etc.....but this is truly the most fulfilled I have every been in my life. There is nothing like crawling into bed at night after a long, very busy and exhausting day........knowing that little Bella has a full tummy and is peacefully sleeping, dinner has been cooked - served and the kitchen is cleaned and we are all three worn out from playing hard, living life together and loving on each other lots!
I praise Jesus for this sweet season of my life and I pray that I never take one day of it for granted. The house may not be cleaned perfectly, a huge dinner may not get cooked every night, laundry may pile up........but our sweet family time can never be replaced. I pray that as a family we will never fail to put our relationship with the Lord first and then our relationships with each other. The older I get, I realize more and more that relationships is what life's all about.....our relationship with Jesus and then with our family and friends. I pray that Isabella will grow to love Jesus and that she will also cherish family time as well as the dear friends God blesses her with one day.......
Well, I could blog forever but little Isabella is about to wake from her afternoon we will give updates again soon! She will be 4 months next week.....and we will be visiting with She-She and Grandaddy while Jeremy leads a high school mission trip to I'm sure there will be lots to update on soon! =)

Monday, July 12, 2010

3 months

I can't believe my little angel is already 3 months! We are having a blast together......such a fun age! Let's see, let me try my best to update on her new developments.....

She continues to absolutely LOVE bath time! It doesn't matter what tub she's in or where she is.....she just talks to us and enjoys relaxing in her nice warm bath water. The only thing she continues to when she has to get out! I've tried everything.....warming her towel in the dryer, fetching her cozy robe, making the water more lukewarm so it's not so cold when she gets out.....but nothing helps! I think she just loves bath time and doesn't want to get out! =)
This is a pic from my Pappa and Mimi's tub......Napoleon wanted to be a part of the action too! Mimi bathed her while Pappa sang to her! She loved every minute!

She is definitely more self-entertained these days! She loves to gaze at herself in mirrors. I think she thinks she has a new friend.....but little does she know that it's just herself in the mirror! She loves her play mat - she has started pulling at all the rings and objects that hang down. She will talk to herself and play for almost an hour! Unbelievable!??

The other day, I was in the kitchen and looked over to find her foot hung in the ring! She wasn't even crying....just talking and continuing to play! Guess she has some strong legs....
She was saying, "Mamma, I'm stuck - will you please come help me!?"

Another angle.......
She watches everything these days! While we were at camp, she was so intrigued by the bright lights and entertainment on the stage! Everyone comments on how alert she is......nothing gets by her! She watches everyone and everything. =)

She continues to love reading time! She loves to look at all the pictures as we read to her.
She started pulling her pacifier out and sucking on her hands....yes, I say hands because she doesn't just stick one or two fingers in her mouth - she tries to get her whole fist in there!
She's also started sweet! I love to hear her gentle little voice. We will repeat her sounds and she repeats them back to us! It's such a fun little game.......Pappa says she has good pitch! Maybe we have a little singer!? I know one thing - we have a very verbal little girl....that's a definite!
We love to watch her legs and arms move.....she kicks like crazy and pulls her legs up to her chest! She'll move her arms all around, pull things and has even started grasping her own hands!
I'm not sure how she does it.....but she has managed to flip from her back to her tummy while swaddled at night!?? Crazy girl!
I took her in for a weight check right around 3 months.....just because she is still so tiny and petite! They weighed her and said she was just fine.....just a petite little one! Just hearing them say that made me feel so much better! =) The lactatation ladies said that if I wanted, I could try feeding her every 2 hours to see if she gained more weight. We tried that for a week and I made an executive decision to go back to our 3 hour feedings! =) She was just not hungry every 2 hours and I was having to wake her up from her naps to eat....which she did not like at all! So we are back to our 3 hour flexible eating schedule......and cluster feedings in the evenings! She sleeps for about 6-7 hours and then wakes to eat once or twice before starting the day around 7!
At 14 weeks, she weighed in at 10lb. 12 oz! Grow little Bella grow! =)

I love this sweet girl! I thank the Lord each day for her life.....I don't take one day for granted. Motherhood is so very special......and being little Isabella's mommy brings me such joy each and every day!

We are planning on putting her in the church nursery in August sometime.....but she does so well in church...we just haven't had a need yet! She fell asleep on me during the sermon yesterday......and was wide-eyed when we got home! =)

Road Trip....

On June 30, Isabella and I set out for a long road trip together! We made our first stop in Birmingham to spend time with some of my dearest friends from college....Julz, Marg and Court! We met Courtney's newest addition....Elijah and visited with her other little boy Jonathan as well as with Margaret's little boy Charlie! It was about time for a little girl to join this mix. =)
Jonathan (3 yr. old) had this little conversation with Isabella and me as we ate dinner.....

Jonathan took hold of Isabella's little hand....gazed into her eyes and said....
"You are pretty!"

3 minutes later...
"Yes, Jonathan?"
"Did you know Isabella is a little girl?"
"Yep, she sure is!"

3 minutes later...
"Yes, Jonathan?"
"Did you know Isabella has a bow on her head?"
"Yep! It's cute isn't it!?"

We had a wonderful visit with friends....spent the night at Julz and Nick's house and then we headed to Nashville early the next morning!

Isabella was such a great little traveler! We'd stop to eat and then load back up.....and she would usually fall right to sleep until her tummy was hungry again! Mimi greeted us at the door when we pulled into Nashville! Isabella sure was happy to see her Mimi AND get out of the car! =)

Uncle John and Aunt Linz arrived that evening.......Isabella loved all the attention from her Uncle John! Here they are gazing into her favorite mirror.....

Aunt Brit and Uncle Matt arrived late Friday evening after Isabella was already down for the night. They tiptoed quietly in to see her getting her beauty sleep......this was Matt's first time to see her!
Now of course it wouldn't be a true family weekend together without a road race! So, early the next morning, we all headed to the local 4th of July race! Dad, Mom and John raced.....we were all there to cheer them on!

Aunt Brit loved on Isabella.....such sweet smiles!

Uncle John wanted to sneak in this pic...

Isabella got LOTS of TLC over the weekend...

So, she has 3 pair of sunglasses....but these are the only ones that somewhat fit on her little head! Such a little diva...

"Come on Mamma....let me just relax with my shades pics right now." =)

On Sunday, my daddy introduced Isabella to his church family. They have been such prayer warriors for sweet Isabella........and throughout our baby journey. This was such a time of celebration as we thanked the Lord for His faithfulness!

Of course, we did our best to dress patriotic in our red, white and blue for the 4th of July! The look on Isabella's face says it all, "Mamma, do I really have to wear this outfit!?"......Yep, red patent leather shoes and all! =)

Here we are relaxing at the park as we listened to the patriotic music together with my family. Isabella loves music and being this made for a nice evening together. We missed Jer.....

Here's all the fam together....except for Jer! Nothing like a summer picnic, good music, a nice breeze and family to share it with! =)

Pappa loved on little Isabella the whole evening......she stayed right there in his lap the entire evening! She listened to the music....Pappa gave her a bottle....then she fell asleep just in time to miss the fireworks show!

Linz made us delicious cookies....and she even made mine diary free (Isabella's tummy was very thankful for that)!

After our wonderful visit in Nashville, we headed on to Chattanooga to see Grandma, aunts, uncles and cousins! Here is Isabella Corrinne meeting Grandma "Corrinne".
Four generations here....

Isabella was full of smiles for her Great-Grandma....
Grandma took Isabella's bow off cause she wanted to see that pretty head! Grandma noticed her pretty eyelashes right away. =)

Then, off to camp we went! We LOVED celebrating daddy's birthday with him! We surprised him with 2 big cakes during Church Group time. =) We definitely enjoyed the few days we were able to be at camp...just enough to get a good taste of camp fun!
Isabella is such a flexible little baby.......she fit right in to the camp schedule and I think she loved it! Somehow she managed to stay awake through Church Group time......and fell asleep around 11.....and then slept in until 9 or even later!

We sure missed daddy during our road trip......we were both happy to finally be together again as a family of three!

The students loved having Isabella there too. Here are some of the sweet girls loving on her....

After 9 days of traveling, we arrived safely at home. Lots of wonderful memories with friends, family and our students!