Thursday, January 27, 2011

Your my...brown eyed girl =)

Just thought I'd share a few of my favorite things that Isabella has been doing....

Every morning - this is how she greets us! She smiles at us and waves to us like we are the best people in the whole wide world! It is by far the best way to start our day!

And...she never meets a stranger! Whether we are strolling through the grocery store or at church....she waves to everyone she passes! Her wave is a bit more like "Ta-da" know like she just did a gymnast flip in the Olympics! Seems to engage everyone around her......

And she is ALL about giving kisses - right smack on the lips! If we pucker out our lips - it takes about one second for her slobbery mouth to open wide and give us a smooch! Nothing sweeter! =)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Every day is an adventure cause....

She's on the MOVE! =)

Two weeks ago Isabella decided it was time to crawl! She has been so entertaining to watch! Everyone kept asking if she was scooting lots or trying to crawl.....and the answer was always, "No, not really - I mean she'll roll around but she's not trying to crawl." Then, one night we were all relaxing together and looked down to find Isabella crawling on the living room floor! She's a girl who puts her mind to something and does it! she went! Crawling everywhere! A week later, Jeremy was playing with her on our bed. He ducked down on the floor and kept playing peek-a-boo with her. All of a sudden, she pulled her self up on the footboard! Ever since then, she's been pulling up on everything! She loves exploring all over the house! It's the cutest thing to watch because she is so petite........she looks so tiny crawling all over! =)
Who knows when she'll decide it's time to walk.......
Seems like she's a girl who knows what she wants and can do anything she wants when she puts her mind to it! Hmmm....seems like someone I know all to well. =)

Quote of the weekend......we were out to eat Sushi with friends....some people near us were totally fascinated as they watched Isabella. Then they asked me, "Ma'm how old is your baby?" I said, "Almost 10 months." They said, "Oh, wow - she's just so tiny and petite....she looks like she's 5 months but she's just so advanced in her fine motor/gross motor skills.....we thought she must be older than 5 months.......=)" HAHAHA! Seems like we've had that conversation more times than once!

She might be little - but she's full of spunk that's for sure! =)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bella's Stats!

Just a quick update on Bella's 9 month well-check! Jer stepped in as "super-dad" yesterday because I came down with a lovely stomach bug!
Jer took the day off work to take care of Bella, take her to the doctor and take good care of me!
According to Jer's report - Bella was happily waving to all the nurses and doctors as she graced them with her presence yesterday. Apparently, while she was on the examining table she decided to crawl over and attempt to explore Dr. Dean's laptop! Haha =) They drew some blood and said her iron level and blood counts are great! He was so proud of her development and "happy disposition".......he was excited to hear that she loves her solid foods and finger foods so much! He said we can begin weaning down to 3 feedings soon! We hope to introduce dairy this month and cow's milk at 11 months. Our goals is to be fully weaned by April 2! =)

Ok...her stats...

Weight 15lb 14 oz 8%
Height 27.5 inches 50%
Head 18 inches 90%

He said he's very pleased with her growth.......she's a little petite thing.....with a nicely growing head! =) Haha!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

9 months...

My Isabella Corrinne is now 9 months! She has now lived in this world for just as long as she lived inside the womb....crazy thought! =)

One highlight from this past month was that little Isabella experienced SNOW for the first time! We went through Atlanta and caught a few piles of snow before it melted!

It seems like this past month she has transformed from an infant baby girl to a growing up baby girl! She is on the move - well, she's doing her best to be on the move! I think the pretty Christmas tree, the sparkling decorations and the shiny packages with big bows was the motivation behind her rolling, skooting and moving around all over the place! She has figured out how to get on her elbows and knees and she moves a few inches.......then she falls to her tummy and skoots wherever she wants to go! I'm sure it won't be long before she figures out that the "crawling" position is much more efficient! She pulls up to her knees right now all by herself........I'm sure it won't be long before she gets those petite little legs underneath her! =)
After one long fussy night where the only thing that made her happy was sleeping on her mamma's chest........out popped her second tooth! Seems like the day before a tooth pops out she needs a LOT of TLC. Or at least she uses it as an excuse to cuddle with mamma and daddy lots....which we love! She has just started waving to everyone she passes! It's the funniest thing and it took me a while to figure out what she was doing. We went grocery shopping on Monday and everyone that passed by she would reach out her little hand and wave it all around! Of course, that meant that every elderly person in Pace's Walmart stopped to have a conversation with us! Needless to say it took us 2 hours to finish our shopping! Haha! Her little smile has begun to change too........don't get me wrong - as soon as she sees a camera she still give us that big smile - but now it's more of a wide grin making sure to show us her bottom two teeth. (I think this is due to the fact that we are always pulling her lip down to see her pearly whites!)
Her favorite part of the day is when she hears her daddy come in from work! She gets SOO excited when she hears his voice......and squeals with a huge smile when he rounds the corner from the garage! I think it's because he does such "daring" things with know... let's her jump on the bed.......leap off counter through the air......and go around the house in just her diaper! That's what daddy's are for I suppose!
She is a talkative little thing........she says...."Mamma"....."Dadda"......"anana" (banana) and tons of other words and sounds but we're not quite sure of their meaning yet! We were able to capture this video a while back.....

Her 9 month check up is next I'll have to add her stats. once we get the official doctor report!

Her little routine has pretty much stayed the same this month....but there have been a few tweaks! She is definitely becoming a much better sleeper! Her reflux is pretty much gone as well as her dairy allergy......which gives us all a much better night sleep these days! =)

7 am Wake/Nurse/Breakfast (fruit, oats & banana)

9 am Storytime/Nap

11 am Wake/Nurse

12 pm Lunch (fruit, veggies, rice & finger food)

2 pm Nurse/Nap

4pm Wake

5pm Nurse

6 pm Dinner (veggies, chicken, rice & finger food)

8 pm Bath/Family Prayer time

8:30 Bed

**If she wakes at night - we let her cry for a little bit and then daddy goes in to pat her and reassure if necessary.......then she drifts back off to sleep!**

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Christmas to Remember...

Today, Isabella and I took down all our pretty Christmas decorations and we finished putting away all our special gifts.
As I reflected back on the Christmas season, I know that this is one Christmas our little family will always remember! Two years ago, we were walking through some of the darkest days as I miscarried for the second time on New Year's Day of '09. It was such a challenge that year to decorate for Christmas, wrap pretty gifts and have that "holiday cheer." My heart was longing for a healthy baby.......and the doctors weren't able to tell us why I kept losing my babies. Although that was a difficult Christmas, the Lord was so faithful to give us peace that surpassed our understanding, faith to persevere and hope for the future.
I can say with a heart that overflows with thanksgiving, this Christmas was quite different than two years ago.........because this year we had a beautiful baby girl to celebrate Jesus' birthday with! What joy it brought me to introduce her to our special nativity let her hold our baby Jesus see the light in her eyes when she woke from her nap to find a beautifully lit Christmas tree for the first very special.

We spent a week with Jeremy's family....and then spent a long weekend with my family up in Tennessee. We made a little detour through Atlanta to have a lunch date with some of my dearest friends. I met these precious friends when my family moved to Atlanta (I was 10). We were in a small group Bible study together through middle school and high school and have continued to share such a special friendship over the years. This was the first time all of our sweet babies met each other! I pray that my Isabella will be blessed with friendships as sweet as these.....a gift that only the Lord can give her!

Seven babies all under the age of 3!!!

I know we will all treasure the time we spent together and the memories we shared together. Here are a few pics from Christmas....

In front of our Church Christmas tree...

Full of hugs on Christmas morning...

The best little gift ever...

All dressed up and ready for church!

Love her...

One of the most meaningful evenings for me this Christmas season was on Dec. 30th. All of my family headed to the Orange Bowl.....while Mamma, Bella and I stayed home. We figured 30 degree weather would not make for the most enjoyable evening with a 9 month old baby! =)
Mamma, Bella and I enjoyed dinner together while we watched "The Nativity." It came out a few years ago, but I had never watched it. I highly recommend it!!! The whole nativity story really hit home with me more than ever now that I've experienced pregnancy, birth and motherhood. As I watched the movie there were several things I took away from the various aspects of the first Christmas....

Mary - She was so pure, virtuous and blameless. I found myself asking - "If the Lord was searching the earth for a Godly girl to use in a mighty way - would He choose me....and would He find me faithful?" Mary had faith in God's plan that was beyond her understanding.....She trusted and obeyed immediately to all He had called her to do.......I pray the Lord finds me faithful even in my day to day tasks that seem so ordinary and I pray that I am sensitive to His still, small voice.

Joseph - He was an upright, God-fearing man who loved those around Him. He was also so obedient - even when society ridiculed he and Mary (her being pregnant outside of marriage). I pray that I will have a heart that trusts the Lord's plan even when I don't understand.

Shepherds - They were pretty much the most ordinary of society....not wealthy.......not powerful. But, to think that God chose them to be the first visitors to worship baby Jesus. They were just being faithful to their task of shepherding.......and God blessed them! They had great humility. Their eagerness to meet Jesus, worship Him and adore Him - I pray for that daily!

Wise Men - I was reminded when I saw the Wise Men giving gifts to Jesus that He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. How often we forget to bring Him the honor He so deserves. It breaks my heart when I think about how so many people treat Jesus like He is just a man....nothing special. Oh I pray that we will adore Him for who He is, love Him and seek to live our lives giving Him the glory He deserves from us!

I could go on and on.....but those were the most important parts of the Nativity that ministered to me this Christmas season.

I'll close my blog with this sweet picture......

As we loaded up the car to head back to Pensacola, Isabella rested so peacefully on my daddy's shoulder. This sweet picture is just a reminder to me of how my Jesus longs to hold me and carry me through life. Life's not always easy....there will be sickness and difficulty along the way - but my Jesus is always there to carry me through every step of the way. What a sweet image to keep in mind as we start a New Year.......I pray that as a family we can have peace this year that is not of the world - but a peace that only Jesus Christ gives as we seek to obey Him and bring glory to His name.