Friday, March 22, 2013

New Beginnings...

Welcome SpRiNg!!!

We are welcoming spring with open arms!!  The past few months have been full of new beginnings for us...I thought I would blog about a few of my favorites!

Jer and Bella have a new routine of going out to "throw rocks" every evening while I prepare dinner...she looks forward to it every day!!

Jackson and I ventured out with them the other night and they showed us their special spot...

The entrance of our neighborhood has a little creek...or maybe it's just a big ditch!?  Whatever it is they love to find "critters" and throw rocks!

They have been working on a special project together...

On an old stump...

We went out and tried the famous South Carolina BBQ last weekend...


I have thoroughly loved my new Bible study and am blessed to have the opportunity to learn alongside such Godly women...Bella helped me bake these goodies last week to take to Bible study!

One of my new friends and I had a girls night out...she took me to her favorite Sushi place...and it was divine!!!

Thankful for new sweet friends!...Love ya Alli =)

New adventures are fun!  Sometimes scary and sometimes challenging...but when you know you are walking in the steps that God has for you...then you can rest assured that His plans are best and enjoy the adventurous ride!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I decided spur of the moment to take a surprise trip to Nashville to see my parents!  It's about 6 hours from where we live now in South Carolina...really not that bad of a drive at all!  A friend loaned me her DVD player...and with lots of snacks and some extra toys we were good to go!  Mimi cried her pretty little eyes out...she was SO surprised and felts extra loved!!!

The following day we woke up to a thin blanket of snow on the ground...

Bella loved giving Pappa special ballet performances...

We loved going to church and hearing Pappa preach!  Bella sat in my lap the entire time...She was super excited about that special privilege. :)

I loved the special time with my little sis Brit and my cutie pie Houston!

Monday night we went over to Brit's house for dinner...and Surprise...Sadie and Linz were at the door!!!

Cuddles from all the grandbabies...


Pappa gave in to Jackson's begging for icing...just a taste ;)

Bella helped me with some important her sparkle dance outfit of course!

Bella and "poleon" (Napoleon) had some sweet moments together...

Cousin love...

 Cousin coloring...

Fun at Chick...

Jackson was super pumped about his cow...

Needless to say, this ended all the fun...and we had the glorious privilege of sharing the awful stomach bug...everyone got it except Jackson and Matt...and Jeremy...That is one memory we do not want to remember nor re-live...yikes!

10 months...double digits!!

My handsome little man is now in the double digits!!  I feel like he has changed SO much this past month!  He is everywhere now!  His personality is bursting at the seams!  He mastered his army crawl this past month...started waving, imitates various sounds and motions...and just recently started pulling up!

He loves when I open the blinds so he can peek out the window!

 This is pretty much how I clean, cook, iron...pretty much if any house work gets done this is how I manage to do it!  He loves me...I feel so honored...I mean he loves me so much that he would much rather hang on my ankle than explore the house on his own! ;)

 Last week, we surprised my mom for her birthday...Pappa gave in to Jackson's begging for icing...

YUM...just a gotta wait til your big birthday for the full taste!!!

He was definitely more interested in Bella's chicken than his veggies...

 He was full of smiles when the nice Chick-fil-A man gave him his very own cow!!!

Yes, he's as fun, sweet, cuddly and layed back as he appears in these pictures!  Very blessed =)

His schedule:

7        Wake/Nurse
9         Nap
10:30  Nurse
12       Lunch
1         Nurse/Nap
4         Nurse
5:30    Dinner
7         Bath/Nurse
8         Bed

Sewing and Crafts...

Well after 2 1/2 months of being moved in, I finally took the plunge and pulled out my sewing machine!  I love it!  I really enjoy making gifts for friends...and sewing for my's just finding the time to do it!  But, I was able to set a aside a few nap times and made just a few gifts for some friends who recently had baby girls! 

I also attempted my first  burlap wreath...thanks to good ole Pinterest! ;)  I added a little St. Patty's flair...