Saturday, June 8, 2013

Enjoying Nature...

After the kids took their afternoon naps today, we decided to go explore a new park! We headed out to Dreher Shoals State Park! It was a gorgeous afternoon...perfect for playing on the playgrounds, taking a nature walk, swinging, skipping rocks and watching the boats on the pretty lake! So thankful for beautiful weather, healthy children, energy to play and enjoy my sweet family and a wonderful new city to call home! :)

Friday, June 7, 2013

I love SuMmEr...

A few of the reasons I love summer...

Family nights at the Zoo...

Carousel rides...

Picnics at the park...

Dinner on the lake...

Splashing at the pool...

Road trip to Nash-vegas!

The kids and I loaded up the car and headed to Nashville!  It's a little over a 6 hour drive through the Smoky Mountains and across the state of Tennessee!  Not a bad drive at all!  We spent a few days with all the cousins!  Summer time is so fun...

Bell and Houston...

Brit and Houston...cutest mom and baby ever with those dimples!

Love my kiddos...

The clan...

This is the real life right here..."no filter"...

Milkshakes from Aunt Linny...

Sweet boy swinging...

Cousin time...

Fun times in the wagon pulled by Mimi!


Last weekend, I met up with my three best friends from college in Nashville!  We spent the weekend together at the Opryland hotel!  

Been friends for 13 years...sorority sisters...bridesmaids...4 husbands later and 7 kids later...our friendship is stronger than ever!

We each cherish the time we have together each year.  We may go months without talking...but we always pick  up in conversation right where we left off the last time!  Such a sweet, sweet friendship we have.  We love this weekend of rest, relaxation and sharing tips and ideas from cooking, parenting, exercise, skin care, the list goes on! =)

I love you precious friends and thank the Lord for your friendships!