Wednesday, February 10, 2016

18 months

This little love bug is 18 months and growing like a weed! Sweetest little fella :) 
He loves to sleep! He sleeps a good 12 hours every night and still loves his 2 hour morning and afternoon nap!  He loves when big sister and big brother come to get him each morning....they pull him and and he shimmies down the the stairs on his belly and waddles to our room...he has recently learned how to climb up into our bed too!  He loves eating...and he will make certain that he doesn't miss a meal!!  Spaghetti is by far his very favorite...he seems to see that it's his job to make sure he eats more spaghetti than everyone else at the dinner table!  He decided it was time to walk...and run!  We knew it was just up to when HE thought it was time! So right around 17 months, he stood up one day and away he went!  He loves music!  One of his favorite activities is matching pitch! He and daddy have lots of fun together! :)
He hums all the time...batman song, Jesus loves me, twinkle-twinkle....we'll find him off in a corner playing and humming!  He loves to color!  He is definitely into balls of any kind and throwing and playing catch too!  He's mastered most of identifying his body parts....he says a few words....mama, dada, mine, more, dog, cracker... He's everyone's favorite in the church nursery....sweet, layed back disposition and a charmer at its finest.  We love having sweet Tucky in our family...he is the best smuggler and gives the sweetest sugar!

Here are his stats...

Head  85%
Height 25%
Weight 26.5lb 75%
(Funny guy is finally catching up to his head!  He went from being a tiny little booger to a chunky thing...seems to be following in his sister's growth pattern.)

Christmas Festivities!

While we were celebrating Thanksgiving, She-She (Jeremy's mom) took these pictures for us!

We had a very full Christnas season! It was filled with making cherished memories with all those we love most!! It was extra special to celebrate Christmas in our new home :)

Fun Chridtmas parties with friends...

We were blessed by Bella's studio's performance...a fantastic performance which pointed us all to Jesus...

School is always more fun when Christmas projects take over!!!

A lovely dinner party with our small group...

Never a dull moment with this bunch...

Oh my goodness....little charmer...

Bella and I loved watching one of our favorite friends perform in her Christmas recital!

Performing at the Nursing home...

A short road trip to visit Santa...see some "snow" and enjoy story time & crafts at The North Pole...

One of my favorite Christnas memories was our family project of building our very own manger!

Tuck tried it and to make sure it was nice and sturdy :)

We baked Chridtmas cookies...

And gave them to our neighbors as we invited them to church..

Christmas Eve excitement!

Chridtmas morning...

Sleepy Christmas eyes :)

Fun fun fun for everyone!!

Then, we headed to Tennessee to spend some time with the Boyd clan!  

These boys are sweet sweet cousin friends :)

And these cuties love every minute they have together!

Tuck loved chilllin' by the fire!

Roasting marshmallows...


Uncle John took the cousins on an adventure one day and discovered this beautiful park!

Tucker and Henry...sweet sweet and full of sugar!

The girls loved giving Mimi and pedicure!

Cousin love!

"Christmas" exchange with Pops and Meems!

And the most special memory this Christmas...our surprise live nativity performance for Mimi and Papa...

Bella & Sadie danced beautifully...

Adventures with this crew is the best!

Thankful for an amazing family to share life with and celebrate the birth of our Savior.  Thankful this Christmas for the beautiful reminder of how the birth of Jesus brought to us the promise of redemption and the hope for an eternal home apart from this broken world of suffering.  The simplistic, humble baby Jesus brought to us fulfilled God's promise for all mankind and gives us joy, peace and hope for the present and the future.  Thankful....humbled....blessed...and hopeful this New Year!