Thursday, December 2, 2010

8 months!

I just can't even believe my sweet baby is 8 months old today! This precious little smile lights up my heart every morning......what a perfect way to start each day. =)

According to Mamma's measurements:

15 1/2 lbs 12%
27 inches long 55%
18 inch head 80%

I tried to choose my very favorite pictures from the past month........

Bella is a very active baby and loves to be busy all day long! We joke about how I can't stay up much past her bedtime because she will "get ahead of me!" She is eager to explore new things and loves to be challenged in every way!

I walked in the kitchen a few Sundays ago and Jeremy was giving Bella her first percussion lesson! She was definitely all about it.....the louder the better!

She knows her daddy's soon as he walks in the door in the afternoons - she starts looking around for him! She kicks those little legs and squeals with excitement! She knows that daddy is full of crazy tricks........sometimes they even make mamma nervous.....=)

I walked in her bedroom the other day and couldn't find Bella! Ah-hah!!! Jer had hidden her from me!.....

We enjoyed traveling over to Panama City to visit with Jeremy's family and then cheer on my dad in Ironman Florida. It was very you can see from all the layers on Bella! =)

We found a chair that was just the right size for Bella in the condo we stayed in......she loved it!

For Thanksgiving, we headed up to Nashville to spend the week with my family! We had a blast! Lots of relaxation.......delicious food.......and TONS of extra TLC for Bella!
My mom bought this adorable Peter Rabbit table a while back at a consignment sale.....we thought it would be years before the grandchildren would enjoy it. But, it was the perfect fit for Isabella this year! She enjoyed eating her yummy puffs!

Bella was not bored for one minute of the week......with a Pappa, a Mimi.....two uncles, two aunts....four dogs and one cat - there was plenty of sugar and entertainment for her!

It's getting more and more challenging to take pictures of Isabella.....she is definitely on the move these days!

Despite struggling with extreme vertigo this past month, I somehow managed to create a little turkey dress for Isabella to wear on I was determined to get just one picture of her on her first Thanksgiving! =) I'm trying my best to teacher her how to sit like a lady........haha!'s our little family of three!'s a little list of Bella's new and favorite adventures this past month........

-absolutely LOVES to eat! she continues to nurse 5 times a day along with eating 3 big meals......and even manages to enjoy a couple snacks in between of finger foods!
-i offered her some puffs one day - not sure if she'd be interested......and within 2 days of turning 7 months she had mastered how to get those little things in her mouth!
-she loves to sit and play now! She's doing so good at sitting alone and not tipping over (although her head gets going one direction and usually causes her to topple over!)
-she is babbling up a storm...says "mamama and dadada" but doesn't quite understand the connection between the words and us!
-she loves to sleep on her tummy with her knees tucked up under her and her little lovey on her face (which is the reason she usually wakes up with a wet tummy - she leaks down out of her diaper!)
-she is a kicker and we are working on using that energy towards positive behavior and not little tantrums! haha!!! (it's ok to kick and pump your legs when you're excited about your sweet potatoes but NOT when your mad cause mamma put you down for a nap!) =)
-she is a smiley little thing - seems like she wants to please us.....when we smile at her - she usually smiles right back at us with a little "ahhh"
-we've quickly discovered that she adores pets! she loves to watch jazzmyn the well as all the dogs at our family's homes!
-she's not too fond of the jogging stroller these days - unless she has a puffs to snack on along the way!
-we are making progress in the church nursery.....she's great for about 40 minutes then she cries for her mamma and daddy - but we are slowly making progress!
-her new favorite toys are "fisher price's little people" - auntie linz loaned us some until baby sadie comes along in april!

Well, I could just keep typing away because it seems like every day she continues to change so much! I saved the best for last......she finally got her first little tooth! When we look at her it's her bottom left! So.......3 1/2 months of teething finally produced a tooth!

And real's her routine...a few tweaks since last month:

7:00 Wake/Nurse/Breakfast - fruit/cereal/finger foods

9:30 Nap

11:00 Nurse

12:00 Lunch - fruit/veggies/finger foods

2:00 Nurse/Nap

5:00 Nurse

6:00 Dinner - veggies/chicken/finger foods

8:00 Nurse

8:30 Bed

**No more night feedings! She was beginning to wake just to comfort nurse......and mamma needs her sleep! So, if she wakes - we let her cry for a while then Jer goes in to reassure her and give her a little love pat! =)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

7 months!

"I can't believe I'm already 7 months, mamma!"....says Bella. =)

Here are her stats as best I can do them with my scale and my measuring tape!

Head 17.5 inches 85%
Length 26.5 inches 55%
Weight 14lbs. 12 oz 12 %

We can hardly believe that our little baby girl is already 7 months old! She is changing so much every day.....and growing up! I thought it would be fun to type out a typical day in the life of Isabella Corrinne Lloyd.....

7:00 I usually wake up to hearing her babble...."bye-bye" in her crib as she plays with her ocean aquarium

7:20 I walk in and open her window to find her full of smiles! She flaps her arms and kicks her legs as hard as she can as she laughs and giggles! We give each other morning hugs (of course I don't let go first!)

7:30 Nurse and then feed fruits w/oats...she LOVES to eat....she would nurse and eat all day long if I let her! And I still don't think she would be a chunky monkey even if she ate non-stop all day!

8:00 She plays with daddy for a little while until he leaves for work! =) She loves to play in her exersaucer......loves to roll on the floor and play with toys.....and is getting so good at sitting alone while playing!

9:00 Nap time.....we read books together & say a little prayer...then she's down. She's getting better at falling to sleep on her own - usually she'll play for 15 min......cry for 10....then I go in reassure her and pat her for a min. and she's asleep! (sleeps usually 1 hr or so.)

10:30 Nursing again! and lots of play time alone...with mamma....or running errands! Sometimes we even squeeze in a play date w/friends. =)

12:00 Solids - fruits/veggies....and practice with the sippy cup as well as self-feeding with puffs!

1:00 Nap time.....I nurse her and then lay her down and she usually is so tired she just falls right to sleep! (sleeps usually 1.5-2 hrs)

3:00 Play with mommy......this is when we venture out for a walk or jog together.....if it's a pretty day and we have the energy! Or...we may go play with a friend! =)

4:00 Nurse

5:00 Daddy usually gets home around now......and the minute he walks in the door Bella starts smiling....she knows his voice! She also knows that daddy does fun and crazy things with her too! =)

5:30 Solids - veggies w/rice...and practice with sippy cup and puffs!

6-7 Family time......dinner for mommy and daddy, play time, bath time etc.

7:00 Prayer time, Nurse and Bed......

2:00/4:00 Usually wakes up at least once or twice to nurse at night! WHEW! Mamma is exhausted! But, her doctor wants me to continue feeding at night until her weight is stabilized for several weeks since she was sick!

And somehow in that full day.......we squeeze in doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, skyping...changing dirty diapers....wiping up spit-up.....making baby food....tons of hugs and kisses......and the list goes on! =)

***Fun New Things Bella is Doing***

-jumps like crazy in her exersaucer
-plays independently...while babbling for up to 30 minutes!
-usually we rotate from floor to exersaucer to time with mommy!
-almost mastered sitting up alone!
-can hold her own body weight in standing position if put there - but isn't pulling up yet
-can reach for toys and roll to get wherever she wants to be!
-can feed herself puffs =)
-can drink from a sippy cup w/help from mamma
-loves to sleep on her knees in bed
-says "baba".....and other funny sounding words all day
-loves all food that she's been offered....except Gerber babyfood and formula! HAHA
-reaches to pet Jazzmyn and doggies
-continues to laugh and smile when she sees herself in the mirror
-is slowly adjusting to the nursery....but can usually only go 45 minutes before she let's EVERYONE know that she wants her mommy! as soon as she sees me walking down the hall - she dries up her tears.....takes a few deep breaths and gives us all a smile! =)

She continues to be such a blessing....We never knew we could love someone so much! The Lord continues to refine me to be more like him as I strive to be the wife and mother He has called me to be! :)

Fall Festivities

The past few weeks have been full of fall festivities with friends! Isabella and I had lots of fun at the Chosen Halloween party! (Chosen is our high school girls ministry) Isabella is a cute little mermaid.......and I'm the fisherwoman that caught her!

Of course we took a family trip to the local pumpkin patch. This year we just went to a small little one at a church.......but being a teacher and all I know that we will be taking a "family field trip" to the big pumpkin patch in years to come! Bella will love being able to cut her own pumpkin! =) I decided the night before we went that Bella needed a halloween dress to wear to the pumpkin etc! This was the best we could do with one quick trip to good ol' Walmart and one hour of sewing! haha......

"Mamma, can I have this punkin?".....says Bella boo. :)

"I can! Oh, yay! I just love punkins!".....

"This is just such a great day, mamma!"......

Needless to say, she loved standing and sitting in the middle of all the pumpkins! =)

Every family gets "the" family picture at the pumpkin here is the Lloyd's!

We enjoyed going to "Haystackular" with our friends and their babies! They had a huge hay stack maze.....a hayride......and lots of other fun activities!

As you can see from this picture, it's nearly impossible to get four babies under the age of 2 smiling at the same time for a group photo!

We also had fun at the Tyner's halloween party! Great food, fellowship with friends and lots of crazy costumes! Bella has become such a social butterfly. She was going strong at 10pm! Hahaha! "I mean it's not every day you get to dress up as a pretty mermaid and hang out with all your friends!" (says Bella)

The few pics above are examples of the faces Bella makes when her mamma is not telling her to smile pretty for the pics!!! HAHA :)


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Healthy again =)

We were so thankful that "Mimi" came to help us in the hospital and stay for a few days! She cooked for us, cleaned for us.....and just loved on us! Whenever I'm sick...the one person I want is my mamma! =) I think that's the case for most of us! As soon as my mamma heard we were headed to the hospital she said, "I'm coming - gotta go so I can load up...I'm leaving now!" =)

We so enjoyed our time together! Eating, playing, sleeping, bathing........

We even squeezed in a quick trip to the park.......she sure LOVES to swing! =)

My God is a Healer!

I want to make sure that I take the time to blog about this past week - although it was the most difficult week thus far as parents - it was the week that we saw the Lord most evident in our lives as new parents!

It all began last Tuesday morning when I woke up and the entire house was spinning as though I was Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz!" I thought maybe it was lack of sleep or sinus trouble - so just began to attempt my daily duties....nursing...feeding..shower etc. Well, about 15 minutes into my day - I realized that I could not function! I was unable to stand up, much less walk straight or take care of Isabella! Due to the extreme vertigo I was experiencing - I was extremely nauseated and became very sick to my stomach. (Mental Picture: I'm in bed, Jer's holding a gift bag for me to throw up in - we had just opened a baby gift the night before.....and Bella is in the hallway in her jumper.) NOT the way a mommy wants to start her day! So, Jer loaded us in the car, we dropped Bella off at a friends house and off we went to the doctor. (Mental Picture: Jer's carrying a trash can through the office just in case I lose it again!) The doctor did several physical tests on me - I later learned it was to rule out any type of stroke or seizure! She diagnosed me with what she thought was a Viral Inner Ear infection. There was nothing to take to make the virus go away - but I could take Meklazine to help with the vertigo.
So, back to bed I went - unable to function at all with fever and chills. Jer had to take off work......just to care for Bella and I!

Since I was on the meds., I was unable to nurse Isabella. So, we began attempting to feed her formula.....of which we quickly discovered she absolutely HATED! As I was trying to feed her Tuesday night before bed, she began shaking with fever!....102! So, we called the pediatrician - he wanted to see her Wed. but was pretty certain it was some sort of viral infection that we both had come down with.

So, Wednesday morning as I lay in bed with fever, chills, vertigo and nausea - Jer took Bella to the doctor. He said she looked like she had a viral infection - to rest, rest, rest! In the mean time - my sweet friends began praying for neighbor brought me a care package while I lay helpless in bed......Christi dropped off diapers for us (you're always out of diapers at the most unopportune times!). I praise the Lord for these dear friends.

Well, my meds were allowing me to function somewhat - but poor Bella was just drinking Pedialyte and eating her baby food......she hated the formula! Then, Wednesday night - Bella's temp. began to spike. We had her rotating between Tylenol and Motrin....and we were bathing her. Her temps were 104......=(

As Jer was caring for her - he thought that just maybe she had a urinary tract infection! One of the most common to overlook in little girls! So, on Thursday we took her back to the doctor. While we were waiting - her temp. spiked again to 104.4! They tested her urine and sent us home still thinking it was a viral infection. As we were driving home, the doctor called and sent us to get blood work. Can I tell you the most awful thing to have to experience with a baby.....bloodwork!!!! =( So, Jer held her - we both prayed over her - and we made it through that horrible experience!

Temps were still up and down as we ended the day and went to sleep. Early Friday morning, I woke up at 6am to a phone call from the doctor on call informing me that they found bacteria in Bella's blood and we needed to admit her to the hospital ASAP! Jer was out running - my world is still spinning (literally!) I try to calmly throw on clothes - make a phone call for a friend to track down Jer.......and called some other close friends to help get us to the hospital.
As we were leaving - Jer pulls in and off we go to the hospital!

The hardest experience of being a mommy - was this hospital visit. The elevator totally threw my inner ear as they are registering Bella and getting her IV in etc - I'm sitting in a chair head down praying for stability. I will never forget the strength I saw in Jeremy as he held our baby girl, loved her, prayed over her and stayed with her though the entire morning.
Due to Bella being sick and unable to nurse - she was too dehydrated to give blood - so we had to just wait for the IV fluids to get in her little body.

I wanted to hold her so badly and just love on her - but when I tried - I was so nervous I would drop her due to the vertigo. With tears running down my face, I had to allow friends and family to care for her. The compassion and love that our friends showed Isabella - I just can't even being to describe in words.

The pediatrician came to see her - expecting to see a very lethargic baby - he found a fevered, sick baby with a smile on her little face! PRAISE Jesus for the sweet smile! =) I remember him looking at me saying, "She is going to be just fine."

They began running tests on her - but also treating her for a urinary tract infection (bladder, kidneys, blood).

Friends began starting prayer chains all over the country for us. Praying for healing for Bella, healing for I could nurse her. Bella LOVES to cuddle and nurse and it was extremely difficult for her physically and emotionally to not have that need met from her mommy.
I can't even begin to tell you how many texts, emails, phone calls of encouragement I received. Friends were bringing us meals........and loving on us. Truly, the body of Christ reached out and helped carry us through those difficult hours on Friday and Saturday. Friday evening - poor little baby cried for 3 hours straight - we all took turns trying to comfort her. Her doctor check her and said she was just exhausted physcally and emotionally. The 3 hour crying ended with Jer holding sweet Bella in the bathroom with running water.....=) Throughout the night when she would wake, Jer would read her books (I'm talking the same books over and over for hours)....because he knew that would bring comfort to her. =) My mom also drove down and stayed with us in the hospital - oh, her help was soooo appreciated! Nothing like having my mamma there to love, comfort and encourage us all!

By Saturday, Bella's little body began responding so well to the meds.....her blood work came back and confirmed that it was a urinary tract infection (bladder, kidneys and blood). The pediatrician said it was a bacteria that transferred in her little body to the wrong place. It was nothing caused from outside her body (which made us feel a little better)!

On Saturday afternoon, we were taken off Mandatory Confinement to the room and we were able to take little Bella on a wagon ride and give her a nice warm bath. =)

I was able to come off of my strong meds and take a lower dose med. so I could nurse her!
Our Jesus was healing my sweet baby girl.....and He was healing me too!

When we entered the hospital on Friday morning, they said we would be there til at least Monday but probably longer. Our pediatrician came in Sunday morning and said, "Well, I have good news! Bella can come home today!!" Praise Jesus! HE is my healer, HE is my provider, HE is sovereign over every circumstance.

I'm so thankful for the way He carried us through even the hardest of days. I know He counted every tear that fell from my face and every tear that streamed down little Bella's cheeks.
I'm so thankful for the friends and family He provided to love on us, serve us and pray us through even the hardest of days!

Thank you Jesus for healing my baby girl and renewing my health so I can be the mother I so desire to be!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

6 months!

We went for her 6 month check-up yesterday and here are her stats.....

Weight 14 lbs 11%
Length 26 inches 52%
Head 44 cm 85%

The first words from her doctor...."Well, Miss Isabella - I've seen you've been doing some growing these past 2 months!" Then, he went to measure her head one more time to make sure the measurements were correct! =) Yep! 44 cm! I guess she has a big brain......we're great with that - maybe some college scholarships in the future! =)

It was such a great appointment! He was very pleased to see that she has taken so well to solid foods and has put on some weight! He wants us to continue giving her Zantac for the reflux which he anticipates going away in the next few months. She good had a good little visit with the doctor - showed him some of her new tricks (sitting, laughing, reaching to be picked up....and even showed him a little stranger anxiety!) While he was examining her - she began to stick that lower lip out as she looked around trying to find us. So, he had us stand at her feet to reassure her we were close by! We also decided to go ahead and get the flu/H1N1 shot too (preservative free). I thought this set of shots was going to be terrible since she's much more aware of her surroundings. But, she let out a painful cry and then that was it. We put her in front of the mirror and she began smiling and cackling at herself! =)

Here are some of the fun things she's done this week.....

We've LOVED the nice fall weather! Isabella has enjoyed playing outside with mommy!

She loves her daddy! The minute he walks in from work in the afternoons her little face lights up! =)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Happy 1/2 Birthday Sweet Isabella!

Jeremy returned from the high school fall retreat on Sunday....just in time to throw little Isabella a 1/2 birthday party before Linz and John headed home!
I made a little cake for her......we sang.....clapped...and enjoyed cake! =)

I can't believe my little angel is 6 months old! She is growing up so fast! I couldn't be more thankful that I have the privilege to stay home with her and enjoy every moment with her. We are so thankful for her precious little life!

" this big cake for me!?"......"Do I get to eat it!?" =)......says Bella.....

She and I look pretty good after having one LONG night! Little Bella had a rough night on Saturday - she just wanted her mamma to hold her all night long! I was so worried that we were going to wake up Aunt Linz and Uncle John that Bella ended up in her pack-n-play with her sound machine sound asleep in my closet! Haha....memories....... (I think she just missed her daddy!)

Auntie Linz and Uncle John...cousin Chi and cousin Smokey...

This past weekend Jeremy took our high school students on a Fall Retreat........bunk style sleeping was not ideal for little Bella so we planned a fun weekend of our own! =)
My sister Lindsey and her husband John, along with their two cute dogs, came down from Huntsville to visit us! We had such a wonderful weekend together!
Isabella took to the dogs......she absolutely LOVED them! Smokey enjoyed licking Isabella's toes and fingers....and he couldn't quite understand why Isabella wouldn't play fetch with him!
Smokey would bring her the ball and drop it right in front of her to throw.....

This is how we spent most of our fall on TV....Smokey trying to get Bella to play fetch! =)

We tried not to let the horrible last 5 seconds of the Tennessee game ruin our evening! I mean - come on...we had that game won....except for some crazy refs out there on the field!
We were so thankful for the sweet time to spend with Linz and John!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Introducing Solids =)

Let's just say my little Isabella sure LOVES to eat! This blog entry may not interest all of you who follow our blog - but it will be a great resource for me in the future! =)

So, my baby girl is now nursing 6-7 times a day (depending on if she wakes for a night feeding) and she's enjoying 3 solid meals a day! I've decided she enjoys nursing....not for the nutritional value of it - but for the total experience of snuggling up close with her mamma! She would pretty much nurse all day if I let her! I'm thinking it's going to be hard to cut feedings in the future! She also loves solids too! She gobbled it up from the first time I put a soupy little bite of rice cereal in her mouth!

I have to put a plug in for this awesome, amazing book I was given by a friend! It has been so informative and helpful! I decided a while back that I was going to do everything I could to nurse Isabella for the first year of her life along with slowly introducing her to an all natural/organic diet! This book has been such a helpful tool!

Isabella will turn 6 months this's an update on her solid food diet!
(boring for most of the readers I'm sure!)

At 4 1/2 months we started organic rice cereal mixed with breast milk once a day. I gradually increased it to 3 times a day. (2-3Tbsp. at each meal)
After a about a week of rice cereal, we introduced organic oats mixed with breast milk just in the mornings for breakfast. She enjoyed her rice cereal for lunch and dinner.
Then, we introduced avocados, sweet potatoes, bananas, pears (not a huge fan yet), nectarines and peaches. I plan to introduce her to winter squash and plums this week!
Of course, we are going by the 4 day wait rule (eat a new food for 4 days before introducing another food) just to make sure she doesn't have any food allergies.

At this point here's a typical feeding routine....

7am Nurse/Oats w/2 cubes of fruit

10am (upon waking from nap) Nurse

12 2 cubes of veggies w/ 1 cube of fruit

1 (before nap) Nurse

4 (after nap) Nurse

5 3 cubes of veggies w/rice (I usually give her 2 different types of veggies.)

7:30 Nurse before bedtime

**She usually wakes once to eat around 3 or 4am and then wakes at 7am for breakfast!

I'm looking forward to sharing with her pediatrician how she has taken so well to solid foods! At this point, she is eating the serving size of a 7 month old!!! Plus, she nurses lots too! =)

I'm definitely looking forward to running the official "Super Baby Food Diet" by her pediatrician to get his feedback. I'm not quite sure if I'm going to use it w/Isabella due to her milk allergy at this point. But....this is the diet...

Breakfast - Super Porridge meal (homemade grains - gradually adding more ingredients)
Lunch - Yogurt Based meal (I gotta check w/pediatrician about alternative yogurt since she has a dairy allergy)
Dinner - Varies each day!

I'm so thankful that my baby girl loves to eat and has such a good appetite! It will be fun taking her to her appointment next week and seeing how she has grown! =)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Thankful Heart....

The Lord has used a chain of events today to speak to me.......and I have a thankful heart!

As I was eating my breakfast this morning, I was checking my email while watching Isabella play on the her play mat. I received an email notifying me that someone had posted on my "Baby Center Forum." This took me by I had remembered starting a new forum about 1 1/2 years ago when I was researching and trying to find out information on my 2 blood clotting disorders. Anyways, I quickly went to the forum to scan over what someone had posted. Well, about 1 1/2 years ago I had messaged back and forth with a few girls who had also been diagnosed with my blood clotting disorders. They were super helpful and very encouraging......the last post was by a girl who had just conceived and was due in May 2010. (3 weeks after Bella) Well, as I skimmed over her latest post today - she was notifying me along with the other girls that she had gone into labor after carrying her baby 9 months and had given birth to a stillborn baby.

As I read this... tears flooded my eyes! This precious baby was due right around the time of Bella - her mamma had the same diagnoses as I did - and treatment - and her baby did not make it! I just had to stop right there as I watched my healthy Bella boo playing and thank the Lord for her precious life! I pray I never take one minute of her little life for granted!
I felt the Lord giving me a sweet reminder of the miracle that He blessed me with.......I went to church overwhelmed with a heart of gratitude.

As Jeremy and I were sitting in church.....we sang this song of worship....

Artist: Chris Rice
Song: Untitled Hymn (Come To Jesus)


Weak and wounded sinner
Lost and left to die
O, raise your head, for love is passing by
Come to Jesus
Come to Jesus
Come to Jesus and live!

Now your burden's lifted
And carried far away
And precious blood has washed away the stain, so
Sing to Jesus
Sing to Jesus
Sing to Jesus and live!

And like a newborn baby
Don't be afraid to crawl
And remember when you walk
Sometimes we
Fall on Jesus
Fall on Jesus
Fall on Jesus and live!

Sometimes the way is lonely
And steep and filled with pain
So if your sky is dark and pours the rain, then
Cry to Jesus
Cry to Jesus
Cry to Jesus and live!

O, and when the love spills over
And music fills the night
And when you can't contain your joy inside, then
Dance for Jesus
Dance for Jesus
Dance for Jesus and live!

And with your final heartbeat
Kiss the world goodbye
Then go in peace, and laugh on Glory's side, and
Fly to Jesus
Fly to Jesus
Fly to Jesus and live!

After singing it, our pastor shared about a little girl (little sister of one of our high school students) who passed away at 3 years old after a difficult life on earth due to various health issues. I began to cry as I reflected on my two babies I lost early on in pregnancy.......but those tears were tears of joy knowing that they are with Jesus today! Tears of joy - as I reflect on beautiful Isabella and her healthy life. As Jeremy had his arm around the high schooler who was teary eyed missing his little sister - I was reminded that this life we live on Earth is only but a quick glimpse in comparison with the life we will share with all those we love in heaven one day!

So, today I'm praising Jesus for my sweet Isabella.....praising Jesus for the hope we have to see those we've lost one day in heaven and thankful for the peace He gives us as we pursue the purpose He has for us on this Earth!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Little Pace Patriot at her First Pep Rally!

We took Isabella to her first pep rally today! We have several of our high school students at church who participate in the band, dance team, twirl team, cheerleading team and football team! So........Isabella got to get up early from her afternoon nap so we could surprise all the students at the pep rally! She LOVED hearing all the music.......and watching all the action on the basketball court! Of course she stood out......there aren't very many babies in a high school pep rally! She's a little Pace Patriot at heart! =)

Birthday Surprise...

It was Bella's little friend, Charleigh's first birthday on Tuesday! So, we took a stroll down the street to surprise her with a Birthday balloon......and a little cake! =) It seems like yesterday I was holding sweet Charleigh for the first time! I was about 10 weeks pregnant with little Isabella when I first met Charleigh.........God has been so faithful to bless my friend Christi and I with these beautiful little babies! =)
(um....side note - I was SUPER nauseated etc. from pregnancy in this pic - had to even take a break at the nurses station while walking up to see Charleigh - so I think I overcompensated and smiled extra huge in this pic! haha)

Having both walked through miscarriages - we are both truly blessed to have our sweet girls and watch them grow up together! (fun playdate - we decided to let them swim in their diapers!)