Monday, October 21, 2013

Kona Day 7 & Saying Good-bye

I did not want this trip to "Paradise" to end!!  It was such a taste of heaven...such sweet fellowship with my family making precious memories together in the most gorgeous creation that I have ever seen!

We all decided to make the most of our last day...finishing up things we wanted to do before leaving!

So, I started my morning with a beautiful 7 mile run along the coast...

This little guy was once again my beloved date...

After breakfast together, we all loaded up and headed to the Mountain Thunder Coffee Plantation!
Kona is well-known for it's pristine this was a must for the coffee drinkers in the family.  I don't drink coffee...unless it's loaded with milk and sugar...but this coffee I must say was really good!

After a brief tour of the plantation and explanations as to how the grow, process and create their coffee beans...

We enjoyed free coffee samples and tea!

Such a fun morning together...

You may not be able to tell here...but it was raining!  Once you reach a certain elevation on the island, it no longer stays 80 degrees all day every day!  But it drizzles...which is why it produces such amazing coffee!

We enjoyed our Coffee experience, then headed back down the mountain to make the most of our last day on the beaches!

We splashed and played in the water!  Bella and I enjoyed paddle boarding together!  SO, SO much fun!!

My mom treated us girls to pedicures before packing up and heading to the airport!  What better way to end a nice vacation than a bit of relaxing pampering!

A flight from Kona to LA...from LA to Minneapolis and then to Charolette...and we were home safe and sound!  Our last pilot invited the kiddos up the see the cock pit after the flight!  So fun for them ;)

And we were greeted with a sweet sign on our door from some of our good friends.....never fun for a glorious vacation to have to come to an end...but we look forward to seeing all our South Carolina friends!!!  We sure missed them while we were away...

Kona Day 6

Monday morning, I had most enjoyable 5 mile run with my handsome Hawaiian date =)

Then, we loaded up and headed to the other side of the island to check out the rain forests and waterfalls!  Bella got to ride with Pappa and Meems!!  We tied her hat on real snug and put lots of sunscreen on since it was a good 2 hour drive!

My mom took this pictures of Bella...She was singing to Jesus...making up her own songs and just praising him as she enjoyed the drive!!  How absolutely precious is that!!

We all had a wonderful lunch a local restaurant!  It carried all the basic entree items but they all seemed to have a unique Hawaiian flare which was fun!  I love this handsome nephew of mine...I could just eat him up!!!

Brother enjoyed toddling around with his Pappa...

After lunch, Jackson enjoyed a ride in the "Banana"...

We had a lovely hike through the rain forests and explored the waterfalls!  It was so fascinating to see how this side of the island was so different that the other side in Kona!  

The eastern side of the island doesn't really have many luxury beach areas, but it has gorgeous green grassy lands, forests and vegetation!

You don't see this sign much in the States...

Pretty water falls...

We also discovered a fun little jetty type place...

We enjoyed climbing the rocks to see how far we could get out!

Of course the boys go far...

John and Jeremy...

Love these guys...

After a fun day of exploring...we headed back to the western side of the island...following the jeep...

Our favorites of the day...I watched a lady weave this basket...and then I purchased it from her...and Jeremy bought some local brittle!  Yum!

We enjoyed a late night delicious meal once we returned...

Kona Day 5

There are certain privileges that come along with being the oldest grand child...sweet Bella go to spend the night with Pappa and Mimi after the Ironman race!  She thought this was the best thing ever!...To spend the night with her hero!!!

Mimi and Bella got up real early and went walking is a sweet pic from their photo shoot...

After breakfast, we all headed to another spectacular beach!  This was about 40 minutes away from our hotel...and this was our favorite beach of the entire trip!

Sweet friends...

Such a gorgeous walk to the beach from the car along a quaint little path...

We loved the water, the scenery and the fact that it was a pretty desolate beach.  It was in a valley so we were surrounded by beautiful mountains.  The waves were calm and gently which the children absolutely loved!

The snorkeling was amazing here!  We each took turns and snorkeled all along the coast of the reef you see here in the picture!  I saw such a variety of fish and even got to swim along side a huge sea turtle!  Jeremy even pointed out to me that we were swimming with the actual Hawaii state fish!  It was so pretty!

Bella loves her Meems!

Mimi has yummy food and Pappa gives good sugar...that makes for a swarm of grandchildren!!

After spending several hours at the beach, we headed home and stopped to see these wild goats on the side of the road!

We also came across this Volcano Lava Pipe...the lava flowed through this...

We took good naps and were excited to attend our first big Luau!!

We all enjoyed all the food and festivities!

Such sweet family time as we experienced this together!

Bella and Sadie were in awe of the dancing show!

Kona Day 4

RACE DAY!!!  We had these cute shirts made for the big day!  #seesamswimbikerun 

The girls are raring to go!! 5am =)

A bright and early morning to cheer on our Ironman!

Sweet Mimi and our Ironman...we all huddled up and said a prayer before sending him off for the big day!

My parents room was the perfect location to watch the swim, transition area and bike start!

Bella was certain that she was the professional race photographer =)

Ready, Set, GO!  And they are off!!  Such an amazing experience!!  They had loud, and I mean LOUD live Hawaiian drum very exhilarating just to watch and be a part of!

My dad had an amazing swim...and here he is under the Ironman sign about to mount his bike...

Mounting his bike...and he's off!

112 miles to go!

This was  right around 10 miles...

Such a fun day of cheering!!!  There are approximately 2300 competitors and only 1/3 from the USA!  So, it was definitely a cultural experience!  SO very cool!

Huey has joined the family cheering quite well....

Waiting for our Ironman...

After a strong's the Ironman around mile 10 of the know he's gotta feel so exhausted...but he's always got a smile on his face!

Kisses for the babies...

And THE MOST exciting part of the day!!!  Right here!!!  SO many supporters and fans cheering all along the finish line stretch!  Loud music!!  The finish is on huge TV screens at the end!  And they announce as Pappa finishes, "Sam Boyd, Franklin, Tennessee, YOU are an Ironman!!"  AWESOME!!!!!  I just can't imagine the adrenaline rush of completing not only an Ironman but THE Ironman in Kona!!!

Just lounging after the race...we sure love this man!!!  We are so proud of him!!!