Saturday, September 12, 2020

Early Mornings...

Ok so let’s be honest...with 4 kids and the craziness of life, it can be a challenge to have time know uninterrupted conversation, eye contact, meaningful time...And then as a result the whole family suffers...So we decided to make a change and be intentional to carve out time to connect each day. We just completed our 4th week of starting our days a little earlier together and working out before the kids wake up. 💪🏽🙌🏼 And it has been SO good for our bodies, minds, hearts...and family. ♥️ After 16 years of marriage, we continue to learn that marriage takes work, effort and time...and we all make time for what’s important to us. I pray our marriage & family will always be top on the list. Here’s to many more mornings together!