Monday, July 8, 2013

Our little fish!

Bella has been loving every minute of this summer swim weather!!  She is a little fish...thanks to her "Puddle Jumper" swimmies!!  (Highly recommend them if your tot needs some support!)

She is enjoying her 2 week swim class...the boys are a little older than her...and much more daring...but she seems to really enjoy learning swim strokes, jumping in and going under water!!  Thank you Mrs. Laura for all your patience and for making learning to swim so fun!

Happy Birthday!!

Saturday night,   I took Jeremy out to a nice dinner...yes a real - DATE!!  We don't really know how to handle ourselves without our precious tag-alongs!  We dropped our kids with some friends and then headed over to Bone-Fish Grill!  At 5:58 we looked at our watches...we were finished eating dinner.  HAHA! really can eat quickly without little tiny fingers grabbing your food and having to pause every 3 seconds to cut up food for tiny mouths!

But all that to say, it was a wonderful evening together...just the two of us to enjoy adult conversation and relax together.  We ended our evening with some Starbucks and enjoyed the coffee house atmosphere. =)

Sunday was Jeremy's actual Bella and I went on a special birthday shopping spree.  Bella knew exactly what she wanted to get for her daddy...

And of course he loved it! =)

After opening presents, Bella and I baked Daddy some cookies...sang "Happy Birthday"...and enjoyed the yummy birthday cookies!

Happy Birthday Daddy...Jer...We love you!!!

Happy Birthday America!

We headed out to the shores of Lake Murray and enjoyed watching fireworks together the Saturday before the 4th!  It was such a pretty fun to relax and enjoy the nice weather!

Then, on the 4th...we headed over to grill out with friends and enjoy the night celebrating our freedom and our country's birthday together!

We ended the night with what we thought were some mile neighborhood fireworks...but what in the world!!  These South Carolinians do it up big in the neighborhood!!  So, that lasted about 30 seconds then both kids were in tears!!!  Needless to say, Jeremy tucked Bella in to bed in our closet with every bathroom vent on as well as sound machines.  And I rocked Jackson to sleep. =)

They weren't too sure of the loud noises and bright flashing fireworks that were so close...

Florida Fun...

After the wedding, we headed over to spend some time with She-She!  It was such a fun week...Jeremy's brother's family also came down...lots of great memories...

Lunch after church with "Old" Pappa and Grandma Carolyn...

Summer fun in the sun!!  So fun to play with cousins!

Jackson has a new favorite chair to chill in at his She-She's house...

Lots of hugs for Bailey...

We ventured out to Pier Park and rode some rides...Bella loved the Ferris-Wheel...

These girlies sure love their sweet She-She...

We enjoyed a day at the lake!  Brother was loving splashing...

Bella and Maddy loved every minute of their first tubing experience together! (don't worry...their daddies went with them) =)

Such a fun time of relaxing and making good summer memories together!

Here Comes The...

Flower girl =)

We headed down to Pensacola to celebrate and share in the ceremony of Brooke Taylor and Hunter's wedding!  We have had the privilege of seeing Brooke grow up into the beautiful young lady that she is today!  When I first met Brooke, she was in 8th grade...she has grown and matured and become such a lovely woman of God.

Bella was absolutely loving all of the bridal special that she was asked to be Brooke's flower girl...

Bridesmaids luncheon on the Gulf...

Bella and the bride-to-be!

All dressed and ready for the big day...

So special...

Ringer bearer and Flower girl...cute as could be!

Enjoying time together before the ceremony begins...

Here they come...charming and cute as ever...

Bella did such a great job!  She stood up on the stage the entire ceremony...entertained the audience with a few funny faces...and tried to keep the groom from tearing up with some final funnies =)

Look who took over the dance floor...

Jeremy played and sang in the ceremony also...such a sweet day of celebrating with dear friends!

Happy Father's Day...

To the BEST daddy in the whole wide world!

Isabella and Jackson are blessed, blessed, blessed to have this guy as their daddy!  They will grow into understanding more and more why are just so blessed but for right now Bella is in love with her "Prince" and Jackson is blown away by his "Hero"! 

Thank you Jer for working so hard to provide for us, walking in the door and totally switching gears from ministry to poopy diapers and little fingers reaching for you, thank you for all of your patience that you show towards all three of us...we can certainly be a handful!!, thank you for taking us on fun adventures and encouraging us to try new things, thank you for all the walks and talks and playground visits so I can peacefully cook dinner, thank you for bringing peace and calmness to our home in the midst of "organized chaos" and above all thank you for diligently showing us the unconditional love of our Jesus each and every day!

We love you!!!

After a wonderful day at church and some good long naps, we enjoyed father's day dinner with our friends, the Polleks!  Lots of fun to celebrate two great daddies together!