Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Praying for Isabella....

Lately, I've been desiring to have a more structured prayer plan as I pray for Isabella each day. You know....we pray before meals and bedtime and I pray for her during my quiet times, but I've just been brainstorming ideas that would be practical yet effective for a busy mom! So, I came across this website: http://pastoralcareinc.com/Articles/31childrenprayer.php
I'm always inspired and learning creative "mom tips" by reading my friend's blogs so I thought I would share this practical tool I came up with the other night! =)
I pretty much copied and pasted this 31 days of prayer on the website to Word, but then I went back and changed the general "child" or "children" to "Isabella." I changed the font to make it pretty and printed it out on nice linen paper. I'm going to hang it on her door with ribbon......and now every time I lay her down to sleep or late at night when I tip-toe in to see her sweetly sleeping, I now have a specific prayers with scripture that I can pray over her! Each number corresponds with the day of the month. I figure I can do this for a while - then I can change up the prayers/scripture. So anyways, the Lord helped me create this tool as guidance to pray more specifically for my sweet baby girl and I just thought I would pass it along! =)

"The prayers of a righteous person are powerful and effective!" James 5:15b


Malone Family said...

Whitney I have an awesome sheet I will send if you send me your email. It is praying for your child 7 times a day and I typed mine up and have them posted around the house. Its hard to explain but I would love to send it to you if you want to send me your email. JNC232@aol.com

Tara said...

Thank you, Thank you for posting this I am unashamed to say I going to copy your idea exactly. How fantastic, thanks so much for sharing :)

Martha Cary Lowery said...

Whitney, I LOVE this idea! I am going to do the same thing. I've been wanting to find a way to pray more specifically for Reese and I am so thankful that you found this. Thanks!