Wednesday, July 13, 2011

15 months!

She loves walking outside!

Our baby girl is quickly turning into a little toddler! Every month I think...."ok, this is the most fun and the best stage of development"....and then the next month comes and I say it again!
Seems like life just gets more and more exciting for little Isabella each day and therefore more entertaining for Jeremy and I as we watch her explore the world around her! =)

She continues to be such a good little sleeper....sleeping about 11 hours every night! She loves, loves, loves to eat! We haven't found a food that she dislikes yet! Of course she has her favorites......"anana" (bananas), "cheez" (cheese), "be" (bread), "be-ey" (strawberries), grapes, raisins and sweet potatoes! She has definitely fully adjusted to drinking whole-milk and loves it also! Some of her very favorite things to do are.........

-This girl loves music and definitely has some dance moves too! She recognizes even the softest of music and starts nodding her head or wiggling her body. One of her favorite things to do is dance with mamma and you can tell from the pics below......

-She will sit in front of her bookshelf and pull all her books down one by one - flip through them and look at the pictures. (sometimes they're upside down) =)
-Loves to do flashcards with mamma......we love learning new words and looking at animals too!
-She loves to go into the bathroom at bath time and take all her bath toys out from under the sink and put them in the bath tub to prepare for her fun bath time!

-It's a special treat when mamma opens up the kitchen cabinets and Bella can pull out all the tupperware and pots and pans!
-Of course swinging is still her very favorite most exhilarating thing to do by far!!!

-She loves opening drawers and pulling everything out one by one....then putting it all back in one by one!
-Swimming in her baby pool is definitely a favorite too!

-She loves playing outside...sidewalk chalk, her red car, pushing her "friendly dino", picking up "ro" (rocks) and giving them to dadda and mamma....and she even likes helping daddy pull weeds (except sometimes she pulls grass too!)
-Playdates are super fun too......and story time at the library!
-She loves working on her wooden puzzles......and she especially loves when she puts the correct shape in place and mamma cheers really loud for her! =)
-She loves babies...espeically sweet cousin Sadie.

Her personality seems to develop more and more each day! She definitely has a very tender, sweet side to her......but she also has a funny, comical side to her too! Her sensitive side comes out when she "loves" her baby dolls - she will put them up on her chest and tilt her head to the side while patting their backs. Her funny side comes out when she sits on the floor and sniffs her feet and says "pee-u" while shaking her head! (Thank you Auntie Linz for that trick! hehe)

The nursery is getting easier and easier for her! While we were in Tennessee, she actually went to their nursery a few times and did great! She still cries a few minutes when we leave her....but dries the tears up pretty fast. Sometimes towards the end of nursery time, she will cry just because she's ready to be with mamma and daddy again. =)

Her communication and speech is getting better and better too....which is a lot of fun! She continues to do well with her sign language. But she is now beginning to understand short commands that we ask of her. For example, "Put the toys away." "Go get your ball." "Put your bath toys in the tub." "Go to the kitchen for lunch."....and so on.
She will pretty much try to imitate any word we ask her to say but here are the words that she has mastered and repeats on her own.
dadda, mamma, cat, kitty-kitty, do (dog), baby, pappa, mimi, ga-ga, she-she, inzey, shon (jon), bubba, ma, dordo (jordo), enya (ellen), mad (madelyn), bir (bird), bye, hi, that, cheez, anana, be (bread), be-ey (strawberry), shu (shoe), bo (bow)

We are just having so much fun together this summer! She's had two weekend slumber parties with her Grandaddy and She-She. We enjoyed VBS together. She had lots of fun visiting her family up in Tennessee and we are looking forward to going to Student Life Camp in 2 weeks with all the high schoolers! =)

Her stats:

Height 31.5 inches 55%
Weight 23 lb. 5 oz 55%
Head 48 cm 90%

She definitely hit a growth spurt the past few weeks! Grow-Bella-Grow! =)

Here's a quick update on her routine....not much has changed:

7 Wake/Breakfast (cereal, fruit, milk)

9 Storytime/Nap

11 Wake/Play

12 Lunch (variety each day Ex: turkey, cheese, yogurt, fruit, veggies, milk)

2 Storytime/Nap

4 Wake/Play/Snack

6 Dinner (usually east what we're eating for dinner - meat, veggies, fruit, milk)

7 Bath

8 Prayers and Bedtime

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