We enjoyed a nice, long Christmas vacation in the beautiful, rolling hills of Tennessee! Isabella and Sadie just loved all of the quality time they were able to spend together! (Bella loves playing "mamma" to Sadie and Sadie loves all the extra attention for sure!)
One morning, we ventured out to Mimi's park...the girls absolutely loved the swings!
Sadie was busy watching Bella...
On the few days that Aunt Brit had to work, she came home to eat lunch with us...Bella was giving her a good-by kiss before Auntie headed back to work!
Cousins loving on each other...
We dressed the girls up and took some pictures before our big adventure to see Santa!
These girls l-o-v-e their Mimi!
My little Sadie-bug...
Mimi with her little Bella...
Well, we were sure glad we snapped some pictures before heading off to see Santa. While, waiting patiently for 1.5 hours........Bella was so, so excited! She would point to Santa, "Santa!...Santa!...ho-ho-ho!" Then the long awaited moment came! Linz and I plopped the girls in big ole Santa's lap and this is how the girls reacted...
Loud cries...or should I say wales!!! They were not so excited to see Santa when they realized their mommies were going to drop them in his lap and walk away! So, memories were captured...we love these sweet angels!

On Christmas Eve, we all bundled up and enjoyed attending my parents Christmas Eve service...babies and all sat through the service! =)
We had the bright idea of attempting to get a picture before the service...but Bella would have nothing to do with smiling for a picture! Oh well...(we are quickly approaching "toddlerhood" I suppose!)
Matching Christmas pj's for Bella and Sadie!
Like I said, Bella just absolutely loves being the "big cousin"...
And a quick photo attempt before bed with Uncle Matt and Aunt Brit...
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! The girls were much happier and ready for a picture on Christmas morning! =)
After a delicious Christmas lunch, the girls went down for their naps. They were eager and ready to open their gifts Christmas afternoon! =)
Bella is trying out her new little kitchen from the Gorins!
Bella got a little vacuum cleaner from Mimi and Pappa...too bad it doesn't really work cause I could sure use an extra hand with the chores!
The grocery cart was also a big hit this Christmas! She likes to pretend she's shopping at "target."
Bath times are quite a fun experience with the girls! Bella particularly enjoys washing Sadie and pouring water on her head...thankfully, Sadie goes along with it for now!
We had our 2nd Christmas...
She-She gave Bella a special little doll..."Lucy"
Bella loved opening all of baby brother's gifts...yay! his first Nike running outfit! =)
We bundled the girls up and enjoyed the cool weather! Bella had a blast on her first 4-wheeling ride!
We were blessed to have such a wonderful, memorable Christmas with our families! This year has definitely had it challenges as well as its joys. We are looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us in 2012!
1 comment:
I just snorted out loud at Bella screaming while taking a picture with Santa. So funny! Love that face, although apparently it wasn't just Santa she was making the same face in a picture with you a couple of slides later :)
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