This weekend we had lots of fun celebrating with........
Our friends the Tyners who are expecting baby Braden in just a few weeks!
Susie, Amber and I threw a "boy" shower for Christi! We all had fun decorating with blue for a boy.......and showering her with lots of little boy goodies! =)

We also celebrated with our dear friends the Dubuois as their duaghter Haley got married!

It was so special being able to share in the evening with them. =)

Haley's dad serves on staff at Olive with Jeremy and they have become such special friends to us. Haley was a sophomore when we first started at Olive and now she is 22 and married! We actually were at camp with our students the summer that she and Josh met while they served together on staff at Student Life Camp. Summer Love! Sounds all too familiar to me! =)
Isabella LOVED all the music and dancing at the reception.....and the candy sticks! (This was a special, special treat because we really don't eat any sugar at home.)

When the music started.......she began clapping and squealing.....

Then she helped herself to the dance floor and danced the night away with the bridesmaids! =)
Such a fun weekend of celebrating with friends!
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