We headed to Mississippi early, early Tuesday morning to meet Madelyn! (Jeremy's brother's new baby!) We arrived just 28 minutes after her arrival! It was the most precious little celebration.....I lost it of course and had tears streaming down my face when I first layed my eyes on her sweet life. Little newborns are such a miracle....so perfectly created in every way.
After we saw little Madelyn in the nursery, we went to the park to play while Ellen and Jordan had their first little family time as a family of three! Bella boo LOVED the swing! This was her first time to try out a baby swing and as you can tell by the expression on her face she was having pure FUN! Lots of little squeals of delight!
As we loved on little Maddy, we were reflecting back on Bella's birth - we can hardly remember her being this tiny! It's only been a little over 4 months - but in some ways it seems like forever ago!
We are sure excited about all the wonderful memories we will make with this sweet little girl!
And back in the car seat went Bella boo! She has been such a little traveling angel this summer! She slept 3 of the 5 hours home......and when she woke up she was full of smiles!
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