Wow! I just can't believe my baby girl is 3 1/2 weeks old...time sure has flown by! I try to go through all my pictures and just pick out a few for the blog - but I have too many I guess I'll just put them all on here! Let's see - what has happened in the past week or so since I updated last.
We went for her 2 1/2 week check-up last Wednesday and it went very well! She had gained 27 oz. since her birthday! She weighed 8lb. 9oz! She grew an inch and is now 21.25 inches. So, her height is in the 76%, her weight in the 51% and her head is 56%.
So far, she hasn't even cried at the doctor - she loves looking at all the bright lights! But, we'll see how long that lasts once they start giving her shots!
We're slowly getting into a little routine together! We wake up around 7am and eat - daddy gets to play with Bella Boo (her first nickname) while I eat breakfast. Then, we head out for our morning walk which she loves! She usually looks around wide-eyed for the first 20 min. and then she falls asleep. At this point, our day consists of a three hour routine.....eating, a little bit of activity together and then sleeping! I cluster feed her in the evening and then she's asleep around 8:30. She usually sleeps 5-6 hours and then wakes up to eat once or twice in the night. A few nights ago, she slept 6 1/2 hours straight! She has been struggling a bit with fun! The nurse said to just give her Mylecon drops - which so far seems to be helping! Seems like her little body is still adjusting to this crazy world....not quite as safe and cozy as her mommy's tummy. =) Last night, Jeremy was searching online for some good "quality" lullaby music for her to fall asleep to. Well, we found a wonderful Lullaby CD's beautiful piano music of various children's songs and some other classics. Isabella LOVES it! When I see that she yawns or starts to get sleepy - I swaddle her up and turn on the music and she gets so relaxed just listening to the music! I know her daddy is hoping she is musical.......I think she will be because she has loved music even when she was inside my tummy! So, we shall see if she'll continue to love listening.....
Let's are some of my favorite pics from the past week or so...
My little sister Britney came to visit for a weekend and we had such a fun time together! She sure spoiled Isabella.......but hey, what are aunts for!??? Here's a sweet little picture of Brit with little Isabella.......
My sister gave this little outfit to me for my b'day last fall. It says, "I'm a Hoot just like mommy." My daddy gave us funny little nicknames when we were younger and they have stuck with us over the years! We have each grown to cherish those cute little nicknames...well, mine was "Whootie/Whoot." So, when Linz saw this outfit - she just had to get it for little Isabella!
Isabella was relaxing with Auntie Brit as she drank her morning cup of coffee......
I love, love, love to have snuggle time with my baby girl. There's nothing sweeter than a precious little baby girl snuggled up in my neck......sweet baby sounds.....milk breath....mmm...mmm...mmm...I love it!
She loves her Aunt Britney.....too bad she didn't get that pretty red hair! =)
So sweet...
Isabella has enjoyed starting to use her little swing! Now, she has to be in the mood - otherwise she'll holler at me to get her out! But, when she's in the mood for swinging - she absolutely loves it! I think the bigger she gets the more she'll enjoy it. Sometimes it seems like it scrunches her little tummy and gives her gas! =) So, the bigger she gets - the more comfy it will be for her...
She was relaxing on the bumbo next to me on the couch. I was catching up on some emails and she was being such a good little girl just sitting patiently....Notice my big water bottle next to her - it seems like I am always thirsty theses days! I know it must be because I'm nursing - but I drink SO much water......
So, this was "playtime" one morning! But, I think it was a bit much for her because after several minutes of enjoying all the cool gadgets...she started crying! I think she got we might wait a few more weeks to pull it out again! =)
This was her first "play date" with Charleigh! Well, Charleigh enjoyed splashing in the pool - Isabella just dipped her feet in the water and slept in my lap the rest of the time!
Isabella has done such an awesome job with her feedings since day one. So, we went ahead and introduced the bottle to her. She gobbled it right up! That is one thing she LOVES to do...EAT! She pretty much would eat at any time of the day! =) Jeremy is looking forward to feeding her each night before bedtime.
We went to a dinner party last was lots of fun introducing Isabella to all our friends!
Ok, this picture definitely has a story behind it! So, I was feeding Isabella this morning and then began to burp her. Well, she let out a HUGE poo!!! Let's just say it was a major blow-out! It came right out of her diaper and all over my lap! Ewww! So, we took a quick break from feeding......changed her and then finished the feeding. As soon as we were done - I laid her down while I went to wash our clothes out! The diaper mishap didn't seem to bother her one bit.....she was just as happy as ever! =) Check out that big belly....I'm telling you she's a girl that knows how to eat!....and Poo!
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