Well, last Saturday some of my sweet friends threw me a church wide shower! It was so much fun to have my parents come down for the weekend along with Jeremy's mom, grandma, aunt and cousins who joined us for the shower! Of course, when there are more than 2 Boyds together - there must be some sort of athletic competition =).....so....Saturday morning, Jer and my dad ran the Double Bridge run...about a 9 mile run over the 2 bridges which lead to Pensacola Beach! My mom and I had so much fun cheering them on. =) They both did awesome and we were so proud!
We headed home to rest a little before the shower. Here are some pictures from the day...
Mamma & Daddy w/me...
The beautiful cake that one of my sweet friends made for us! Their family has 3 children who are in the youth group and they have been such wonderful, encouraging prayer warriors for us the past couple of years.
I was overwhelmed with the generosity of our sweet friends and family. The Lord has truly blessed us with such an amazing church family who has given us prayer support and encouragement through out this long "baby journey." It continues to amaze me how the Lord surrounds us with dear friends who have become our "Pensacola family".....while we are living so far from both of our families. The notes, meals, emails, hugs and prayers continue to remind us of how the Lord carries us through difficult times as we rely on Him and our family of believers. We are truly so blessed.
She even made little faces of Jer, Isabella and Me! =)
Here's the drink table...
Food table...
My dear friend Christi helped coordinate the whole shower.....it was so much fun opening all of Isabella's gifts.....my mamma was such a good little note taker.....and Christi kept the process moving smoothly! (a little over a year ago, Christi and I were both walking through our 2nd and 3rd miscarriages together - now she has a beautiful 4 month year old little girl who is anxiously awaiting Isabella's arrival!)
Here is one of my sweet friends Kelly - her husband is the middle school minister...
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