Stand Still and See
Dear Church Family,
As many of you know, Carolyn has been struggling with an increasing weakness in her left leg for the last eleven months. After months of tests here in Nashville, concluding with a neuromuscular specialist at Vanderbilt, we received a preliminary diagnosis in November 2014. Feeling the need for a second opinion, we recently visited the Mayo Clinic Jacksonville Florida. The diagnosis there concurred with that of Vanderbilt as being a motor neuron disease, typically described as ALS, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
At this point, the positive part is that her weakness is isolated and limited to her left leg with no symptoms by way of the most recent EMG in any other part of her body. This status would lead to seeing her condition as slow-progressing ALS or even Primary Lateral Sclerosis, which would be life altering but not life threatening.
Only time will tell what she and we are facing. Obviously, this has been difficult news for our family. There are presently 30,000 cases of ALS in the U.S. with 5000 new cases a year. Presently, there is no cure, and only one drug that reduces the progress of the disease by 10-25% per year.
In reality, whatever the cause of her symptoms will either increase, be arrested and limited, or be healed and reversed by God completely. We are believing God for the latter. In these days, God has put in my heart the following assurances: do not be afraid…this sickness is not unto death…it will leave as it came…it will be as it was…my mercy is upon you…stand still and see the salvation of the LORD.
To save from sharing these facts multiple times with those of you who would inquire, I felt it best to communicate in this church-wide email and then briefly this coming Sunday morning.
We are moving forward, bruised but not defeated. We will live every day to the fullest doing the next right things. We will anticipate the faithfulness of God just as He has demonstrated exceedingly abundantly His power and goodness in times past. Your love, prayers, and friendship have and will continue to sustain us.
I sense that God is up to something not only in our lives but also in the life of Forest Hills Baptist. My prayer for years is that during my lifetime God would show Himself in an apostolic way where His reality, power and salvation would be overwhelmingly and undeniably realized, and that He would be glorified in many lost lives being saved and nominal believers being awakened and energized to prayer and witness. This may be God’s answer to my prayer.
The Lord Jesus is the consummate healer in every way who takes the bitter waters of life and makes them sweet. He is the consuming peace who calms every storm. He is the conquering King who brings victory in every circumstance. He is the compassionate, comforting Shepherd who leads us in the paths of rightness for His name’s sake. He is therefore we rest in Him.
Under His mighty hand with great hope and gratitude, your pastor and wife, Sam and Carolyn