Well, this is officially the last blog entry before our baby girl turns 2...and once she's two she's definitely "officially" a toddler! Definitely...bittersweet! Each day is more and more exciting as she continues to absorb everything around her and becomes more and more independent. But, the other night as we were cuddled together on the couch watching newborn videos of her...I did get a little sad thinking about how quickly she has grown up! She kept saying, "more video me!...more video me!" It will bring on a whole new dynamic adding a baby brother to our daily adventures...so even though I am a bit melancholy thinking about how quickly she is growing up...it is really exciting to imagine what our days will look like in the very near future! =)
Her sweet, innocent, caring, nurturing personality continues to blossom more and more each day. She wakes up loving on her baby dolls and taking such careful care of each one of her stuffed animals. She always makes sure that baby "Lucy" has on a diaper, clothes, hat and is nicely swaddled in her blankie.
She definitely enjoys helping mommy with the chores...when she hears the vacuum...she runs and gets her vacuum and follows me around! Check out this outfit on vacuum day! =)
She loves to pull out all of mommy's shoes and try them on...she'll put on my running shoes and say..."runnin mommy...runnin' mommy" (although mommy is FAR from running these days! Ha!)
Such a good little sleeper...
Showers with daddy are a definite favorite of hers...

She has transitioned smoothly to her big girl room...I never imagined a 23 month old would be so animated and excited over a "big girl bed." She absolutely loves the idea of having a big girl room! Anyone who calls us or comes over...that is the first thing she wants to tell them...with big eyes..."big girl room!" She continues to LOVE music! ("mica") She looks forward to her special dance parties with daddy...which has become a nightly routine...well most nights! And, she will quickly tell you that she wants to dance to "Bella's song"....."Stevie Wonder." Her favorite song being, "Signed Sealed Delivered." And Im not gonna lie...she has some moves for sure! For each nap time and before bed time at night, we always turn on Veggie Tales Worship CD...and she loves it! Once the CD turns off, we will usually hear her in bed humming (while rubbing little "Bobby" the bunny's ears)...and then she dozes off. She also continues to love any type of project...coloring, glueing...and she even tries to convince mamma to let her cut! We need to invest in some child scissors I think for sure! =)
Meal times continue to be a highlight of her day...she pretty much eats anything and I wonder if she really ever gets full! She's an eater that's for sure! She loves her little friends and talks about them...it's the cutest thing. I think we are definitely going to have a very verbal girl...she surprises us every day with new words and most recently songs that she knows! The other day we were visiting with our Flordia Gator fans and Bella pointed out the "Algator" on the car...so random! Then, the other day she pretty much sang every word to "Jesus Loves Me." Last night, she was sitting on the couch with Jeremy looking through her little Bible story book and she could name several of the stories/characters. (Moses...baby) (Joseph, Joseph, brothers mad) (Zach...tree...house) (Baby Jesus Joseph)...precious =)
Her little schedule is beginning to change...as she doesn't usually require two naps now. Most days, I will lay her down mid-morning to rest - she's much happier with a rest time in the morning. But, then she usually doesn't sleep until the afternoon.
Here's her schedule now...
7ish Wake/Breakfast
9:30 Rest
10:30 Up!
12 Lunch
2 Nap
6 Dinner
8 Bed
Her stats:
Weight 30lbs. 85%
Height 34 inches 65%
Head 19.5 inches 95%