Last weekend we traveled up to Huntsville, Alabama to "shower" my sister Linz and her soon to arrive baby girl Sadie! It was such a sweet time for our whole family to be together!
Lindsey introduced Isabella to her 3rd grade class......they all loved seeing her in person. Linz has shown them pics of her online and their background on their projector is a picture of Isabella.....so they were all fascinated to actually meet her in person! She was like a celebrity to not only the 3rd grade class but the school! So fun to meet Lindsey's students and teacher friends!
We had a little birthday celebration for my mom and Isabella since Lindsey is unable to travel for Isabella's b'day party at this point in her pregnancy. Such a fun little celebration with the family!
We loved joining Lindsey's friends and celebrating little Sadie's life!
Isabella enjoyed playing with all the other little babies.....and even decided to give them kisses on their cheeks! =) We're working on teaching her not to kiss boys! Haha
This is Rylan Freeman (Emily and I went to Samford together).....
This is little Elijah Mize (Courtney is one of my dear friends from college)
Come to think of it....Rylan's daddy is a Worship leader and Elijah's daddy is a pastor...so at least Isabella likes the boys who are minister's sons! =)
I enjoyed sewing several little gifts for my first niece! I decided awhile back that I wanted to make some little outfits and special necessities for baby Sadie and Linz. I carefully wrapped each gift and tied them with a typed prayer that I had prayed while sewing the various pieces. I loved every minute of sewing.....here are some pics of the gifts......
Pillowcases (to make the hospital room a little more homey)....=)
I made Bella matching peasant dresses...
After the shower, we headed down to Mississippi to visit Jeremy's brother Jordan and his family! Jordan preached and Jeremy led worship on Sunday at their church. We so enjoyed our time with them and the girls loved playing with each other! They are just four months apart so they definitely have fun together! Isabella gave Madelyn a sweet little kiss before heading off to church Sunday morning. =)