I just can't even believe my sweet baby is 8 months old today! This precious little smile lights up my heart every morning......what a perfect way to start each day. =)

She knows her daddy's voice....as soon as he walks in the door in the afternoons - she starts looking around for him! She kicks those little legs and squeals with excitement! She knows that daddy is full of crazy tricks........sometimes they even make mamma nervous.....=)
We enjoyed traveling over to Panama City to visit with Jeremy's family and then cheer on my dad in Ironman Florida. It was very chilly.......as you can see from all the layers on Bella! =)
We found a chair that was just the right size for Bella in the condo we stayed in......she loved it!

So.....here's a little list of Bella's new and favorite adventures this past month........
According to Mamma's measurements:
15 1/2 lbs 12%
27 inches long 55%
18 inch head 80%
I tried to choose my very favorite pictures from the past month........
Bella is a very active baby and loves to be busy all day long! We joke about how I can't stay up much past her bedtime because she will "get ahead of me!" She is eager to explore new things and loves to be challenged in every way!
I walked in the kitchen a few Sundays ago and Jeremy was giving Bella her first percussion lesson! She was definitely all about it.....the louder the better!
I walked in her bedroom the other day and couldn't find Bella! Ah-hah!!! Jer had hidden her from me!.....
For Thanksgiving, we headed up to Nashville to spend the week with my family! We had a blast! Lots of relaxation.......delicious food.......and TONS of extra TLC for Bella!
My mom bought this adorable Peter Rabbit table a while back at a consignment sale.....we thought it would be years before the grandchildren would enjoy it. But, it was the perfect fit for Isabella this year! She enjoyed eating her yummy puffs!
Bella was not bored for one minute of the week......with a Pappa, a Mimi.....two uncles, two aunts....four dogs and one cat - there was plenty of sugar and entertainment for her!
It's getting more and more challenging to take pictures of Isabella.....she is definitely on the move these days!
Despite struggling with extreme vertigo this past month, I somehow managed to create a little turkey dress for Isabella to wear on Thanksgiving.........so I was determined to get just one picture of her on her first Thanksgiving! =) I'm trying my best to teacher her how to sit like a lady........haha!
And......here's our little family of three!
-absolutely LOVES to eat! she continues to nurse 5 times a day along with eating 3 big meals......and even manages to enjoy a couple snacks in between of finger foods!
-i offered her some puffs one day - not sure if she'd be interested......and within 2 days of turning 7 months she had mastered how to get those little things in her mouth!
-she loves to sit and play now! She's doing so good at sitting alone and not tipping over (although her head gets going one direction and usually causes her to topple over!)
-she is babbling up a storm...says "mamama and dadada" but doesn't quite understand the connection between the words and us!
-she loves to sleep on her tummy with her knees tucked up under her and her little lovey on her face (which is the reason she usually wakes up with a wet tummy - she leaks down out of her diaper!)
-she is a kicker and we are working on using that energy towards positive behavior and not little tantrums! haha!!! (it's ok to kick and pump your legs when you're excited about your sweet potatoes but NOT when your mad cause mamma put you down for a nap!) =)
-she is a smiley little thing - seems like she wants to please us.....when we smile at her - she usually smiles right back at us with a little "ahhh"
-we've quickly discovered that she adores pets! she loves to watch jazzmyn the cat....as well as all the dogs at our family's homes!
-she's not too fond of the jogging stroller these days - unless she has a puffs to snack on along the way!
-we are making progress in the church nursery.....she's great for about 40 minutes then she cries for her mamma and daddy - but we are slowly making progress!
-her new favorite toys are "fisher price's little people" - auntie linz loaned us some until baby sadie comes along in april!
Well, I could just keep typing away because it seems like every day she continues to change so much! I saved the best for last......she finally got her first little tooth! When we look at her it's her bottom left! So.......3 1/2 months of teething finally produced a tooth!
And real quick....here's her routine...a few tweaks since last month:
7:00 Wake/Nurse/Breakfast - fruit/cereal/finger foods
9:30 Nap
11:00 Nurse
12:00 Lunch - fruit/veggies/finger foods
2:00 Nurse/Nap
5:00 Nurse
6:00 Dinner - veggies/chicken/finger foods
8:00 Nurse
8:30 Bed
**No more night feedings! She was beginning to wake just to comfort nurse......and mamma needs her sleep! So, if she wakes - we let her cry for a while then Jer goes in to reassure her and give her a little love pat! =)