Laying out by the pool has forever changed now! For the most part, Isabella was in her stroller parked in the shade where she enjoyed napping. But, when she woke up.......she LOVED doing tummy time on my tummy! =) You know....I may not have the best tan - but we sure had lots of fun together at the pool!
My cousin Jason and his wife, Jessica, along with my Aunt Beth drove down from Winston-Salem to hang out with us one day! We had the best time.......and it was so much fun to introduce them to little Isabella! =) Jason has always been like our big brother and we've been like his little sisters. Just wish we lived closer so we could see each other more often.....
My mom, "Mimi", enjoyed spoiling little Isabella.......I mean what else is a Mimi for....lots of lovin' and tlc - right!? =)
They had lots of sweet time together rocking on the porch!
Of course our "Boyd family vacation" would not be the same without some sort of athletic competition! John found a triathlon in Asheville.....I mean what are the chances of a triathlon taking place the one Saturday our family is on vacation!? So, my dad and John took advantage of the opportunity to compete on vacation and they did awesome! We all enjoyed cheering them on.......even little Isabella in her Nike onesie!
So, if they weren't asleep - then they were out on the golf course! I never knew they were capable of playing so many holes of golf in one week! I mean we literally had to go track them down on the golf course for dinner! One night, Linz called Dad's cell phone at 6:30 to tell them to come home and eat........and a random man answered the phone!??? Haha....they had left their phones and clubs to go try and hit balls over a random creek! Go figure! =) So, I volunteered to go walk the course and tell them dinner was waiting!
They stopped by our house one afternoon to get PB & J's and sugar from Bella!
Auntie Brit sure gave Isabella lots of sugar!!! Brit is the best too.......she changes lots of diapers, rocks her.....cuddles with her.......and holds her by the pool so I can relax! =)
"Lazy summer days.......they are the best! Gee, I have some long toes!"......says Isabella. =)
So, Isabella loves to be without clothes! I mean she loves baths and loves to just be a free woman......and her Auntie Brit let's her do it whenever she wants! =) You can tell by Isabella's expression how much she loves her Auntie....seems like she's saying, "Oh, thank you for letting me just wear my diaper....I really would rather not wear all those frilly clothes and big bows." =)
Nice dinner in the mountains....
So, she is drooling lots now and chewing on her paci (not sucking)..........when I was at the dentist yesterday she confirmed that Isabella very well might be cutting a tooth!??? AH! Not yet.....not yet! =)
When we were driving home...Jeremy thought he would give Isabella a chance to stretch her legs out and be free from the car seat for a few minutes! Looks like she's ready to walk a bit....
I'm just loving every bit of motherhood these days.......seems like she has just come out of her little shell all of a sudden and has her own sweet little personality. From what I can see so far - it seems like she is going to be a very tender, sweet, sensitive little girl.
She loves to listen to me read to her.....loves to play on her play mat.....loves to swing.....and she will pretty much let anyone hold her these days!
Sometimes, I will just be holding her in my arms or playing with her on her play mat....and when she looks at me with those big eyes and cute little cheeks I get tears in my eyes.....tears of joy...tears of gratitude....tears of thankfulness to my Jesus who created her so perfectly.
I was just telling Jeremy the other day that there are a lot of things in my life that have brought me joy.......running a marathon, teaching school, winning medals, spending holidays with family, going on vacations etc.....but this is truly the most fulfilled I have every been in my life. There is nothing like crawling into bed at night after a long, very busy and exhausting day........knowing that little Bella has a full tummy and is peacefully sleeping, dinner has been cooked - served and the kitchen is cleaned and we are all three worn out from playing hard, living life together and loving on each other lots!
I praise Jesus for this sweet season of my life and I pray that I never take one day of it for granted. The house may not be cleaned perfectly, a huge dinner may not get cooked every night, laundry may pile up........but our sweet family time can never be replaced. I pray that as a family we will never fail to put our relationship with the Lord first and then our relationships with each other. The older I get, I realize more and more that relationships is what life's all about.....our relationship with Jesus and then with our family and friends. I pray that Isabella will grow to love Jesus and that she will also cherish family time as well as the dear friends God blesses her with one day.......
Well, I could blog forever but little Isabella is about to wake from her afternoon we will give updates again soon! She will be 4 months next week.....and we will be visiting with She-She and Grandaddy while Jeremy leads a high school mission trip to I'm sure there will be lots to update on soon! =)