Well, we've officially decided on her name!!! She shall be called..."Isabella" Corrinne. We are naming her after Jeremy's great-grandmother (mamma of the grandpa that Jer looks so much like) & Corrinne is my grandma (my mamma's mom). Isabella is a Hebrew name meaning "God's Promise"/"Devoted to God". Corrine originates from "maiden" meaning "pure." Her name will always have a special meaning to us all! It is now so very special to be able to pray for her by name and talk to her by name! She just loves when her daddy puts his face up to my belly and talks to her....she will usually give him a little kick or punch. =) And she seems to always do a big dance whenever she hears her daddy leading worship with the band......I mean kicks and punches and wiggles all over!!!
I've been very busy as I've started preparing for little Isabella's arrival! I've had a sewing machine now for a couple years but haven't had the time to sew much more than curtains or pillows. Teaching seemed to take up SO much of my time!!! So, when Jeremy was away taking our high school students on the ski trip (which I decided to sit out of this year) =).....I pulled out my sewing machine and began attempting to create little dresses for Isabella! I'm starting with the basic jumper......I created my pattern from a 3 month dress I borrowed from Isabella's soon to be "bestie"...Charleigh! It's a litte challenging trying to guess how big of a baby Isabella will be.....but I just did my best! Here are a few of the dresses I've sewn...
Jeremy painted Isabella's nursery a few weekends ago. It turned out just perfect...a very light pink! Mamma Lloyd came in town this past weekend so she and Jer could paint the trees in Isabella's room! Here is a picture of them painting......and I actually was able to help a lot too which was fun! We decided to paint one brown tree in the corner....and two white trees on either side of the brown tree. It's kinda hard to see the white trees in the pictures....but they look soooo pretty in person!
Here's the finished product...we were very pleased! =)
I painted the little letters to hang over her crib...Jeremy and I took our fabric to Lowe's and they were able to match the paint up exactly to match!
Mamma Lloyd gave Isabella her first little reading rocking chair! So cute.....I mean of course the daughter of a first grade teacher must have her own little reading corner. I plan on having a little basket of seasonal books next to her chair throughout the year for her to enjoy! You can also see that Isabella's first baby doll is in the chair.......Mimi (my mom) gave her the doll for Christmas. (her first baby doll)
So, we are slowly putting her little nursery together...and it's so much fun! We have our 30 week appointment with our high risk doctor tomorrow - so I'll have to try and update soon.
The next few weekends are going to be full of fun little showers and sweet times with family and friends!
We continue to praise the Lord for each day that we are able to experience the growth of little Isabella. We love just watching her little legs and arms move around......and it's so much fun to try and guess what body part we are feeling roll across my belly. The Lord has been so good to us and we don't ever want to take one day for granted during this pregnancy. He has continued to give me good health throughout this journey......and I'm so thankful that I've been able to continue walking most days of the week! Some days I will just sit and pray for little Isabella....from her head to her little toes and tears will just flow down my face as I think about how perfectly and beautifully the Lord is knitting her together in the womb. Such a miracle.....we serve such an amazing God! Praise Him for his goodness to us each day.....